Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If you have any questions on this insurance cover please ring Joan Daniels , or bring your queries to the discussion time at our next meeting in March .
2 Now of course from the special school point of view they will say well many efforts are made to attempt to bring community life into the school and to have children erm or give them experiences in the community , so that you provide both a sheltered environment and also the opportunity to learn in the wider community , and this debate is something of a dilemma erm I do n't know that any body can give a definite answer to it .
3 I 'll build my own museum in Pittsburgh , or someplace else , or give my paintings to the National Gallery in London .
4 In an undisturbed home , all domestic cats see themselves as subordinates of their human owners , so under normal circumstances all domestic cats use litter trays or bury their faeces in the garden .
5 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
6 They spent so much time in Zap Zone at Streatham , scampering about in clouds of dry ice , zapping each other with laser guns , so many hours watching Neighbours or running up and down shopping-malls , playing Super Nintendo , they had probably not had time to go anywhere near a mosque or get their heads round the basics of Islamic education .
7 Ashley waited until their fellow diners had drifted away to explore the gardens or dip their hands in the cool water which tinkled in the stone fountains , and then moved her chair closer to her escort 's .
8 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
9 The sky clears in the childbirth sequence because of Shatov 's sublime murmurings about the arrival of a new human being , but also because the midwife has her sleeves rolled up , because she is attacking a difficult and strenuous professional job , organizing essentials , masterminding the whole exercise , scolding Marie Shatov who allowed Shatov to get between her and the family in which she was a governess ‘ with the egotistical object of marrying you , laughing at the distraught husband on his knees unable either to bear the sound or block his ears before the birth ; and when all is tidied up , ‘ after some pleasant–es about ‘ the happy couple' ’ which were not without a touch of contempt and superciliousness , she went away as well satisfied as before . ’
10 Open Channel D for the Man From Uncle pilot film TO TRAP A SPY , sympathise with Ribsgy 's lodger-stroke-offspring problems in another ancient RISING DAMP , don your spangly cod-piece when Erasure go IN CONCERT or boggle your eyes at the whizzy visuals of schlockfest movie FX — MURDER BY ILLUSION .
11 The Artist invites you to learn , or improve your techniques in the field with expert and enthusiastic tuition from well-known artist , water-colourist and tutor Peter Partington .
12 These are flying beetles that begin their lives in the soil as the familiar white or cream-coloured grubs , fat from feeding on plant roots , horny headed , usually brown in colour , very slow and sluggish moving and curled rather like a large letter C. There are several kinds , from the large cock chafer to the much smaller greenish rose chafer .
13 One remedy for the electronic pollution may be to reduce the power of the phones ' transmitters and instead have more of the receivers that pluck their signals from the air .
14 So do n't come to me offering shares , because I 'd rather die a pauper than soil my hands with the blood that 's on your money , and there 's the truth o n't .
15 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
16 A final problem is that these substances may be taken up into the blood supply as it passes through the brain and carried to other parts of the body where they may have toxic effects that confound their effects on the nervous system .
17 The acquisition will allow Quatro to widen its product portfolio and develop its strengths in the clinical sector .
18 If his leaning is towards the physical side , or his leaning towards to biological side , to take chemistry , biology and physics , to take those subjects in the sixth form at A level , and then come straight to university and develop his inclinations in the way that he is here to do .
19 Again , she would clench her fist and ram her knuckles into the face of her driver , 3-wood or whatever .
20 Here , they are taken by the ocean currents into the Gulf Stream , in which three years pass as they slowly drift towards Europe and make their homes in the rivers , lakes and pools , far distant from their place of birth .
21 He must go now , to the apartment block , and make his calls on the tenants .
22 Then we stagger to our feet and pick our clothes off the floor , and sit and drool into our glass , puffing on a pensive perfecto , and staring at the tabloid and all its gruesome crap .
23 They tug at their hair , pulling it out at the roots , roll around the floor and bang their heads against the wall .
24 He did n't say , ‘ Right , men — come in by twos , line up facing east and bang your foreheads on the floor ! ’
25 Rival manufacturers book suites in London hotels and galleries , and display their wares to the trade .
26 For a few months , the Labour Party 's bruised and battered members can stir , intrigue and factionalise — and raise their spirits in the process .
27 We will continue to offer generous funding for Housing for Wales and concentrate our efforts on the special needs of rural Wales .
28 Top managers try to win their loyalty , and co-opt their organizations to the firm 's ideals … ideologically .
29 ‘ We will carry out some work on this and send our findings to the scientists in Edinburgh . ’
30 The growing independence of their children , at each successive stage , can be a matter of concern rather than joy for those who over-commit and over-identify their lives with the nurturing of dependent children .
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