Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I thought well she 's got two chances that way , either I could win , or she could win , or neither of us 'll win .
2 Causation or some of it might have come to an end just when I set out to snuff the candles , or never existed .
3 Not surprisingly , they all reach a stage when they must try to manage their growth and their organisation more rationally or many of them will burn out and their company could get into deep administrative trouble .
4 The Sharrock family know they 've had a lucky escape ; any one or all of them could have been injured , or even killed , when someone threw a brick at their car from an overhead footbridge .
5 As of the end of June 1991 at least six of these statutes were undergoing the process of appeal which would almost certainly bring them eventually to the Supreme Court , where any of them could serve as the occasion for the reversal of the 1973 landmark abortion rights ruling , Roe v. Wade .
6 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
7 She had planned to get over to her mother 's by the afternoon , but the day had been so rare that neither of them could bear to finish it .
8 It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy .
9 It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy .
10 If we are making up a play about the " Keeper of the Keys " , why do you think that neither of them can see ?
11 He knows that neither of them will utter a word till they 're hanging by their balls from Tower Bridge .
12 She agreed to try a behaviour chart and identified that each of them should sit in their own chairs , eat their own food quietly , and not interfere with each other .
13 They had agreed that each of them should have carte blanche , no questions asked nor opinions given , unsolicited .
14 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
15 But putting up more candidates increases the danger that each of them will contend as an individual rather than as a member of a team : it makes the campaign harder to co-ordinate .
16 I call upon everyone to begin to work to create such an agenda in the coming months , mindful that each of us may have to make some compromises along the way if we are to end with something in which we all can believe .
17 There is much that each of us can do to help ourselves — by not smoking , by eating sensibly , by taking regular exercise , and by not drinking too much .
18 There is much that each of us can do to help ourselves — by not smoking , by eating sensibly , by taking regular exercise , and by not drinking too much .
19 They were told also that half of them would face redundancy .
20 The windows are interesting , with their association with the wool trade , though there is some speculation that some of them may have been brought from another house .
21 If those who profit from the sale of descriptions of their investigations and speculations about matters of public interest are not restrained by fear of appropriate penal or financial consequences from publishing defamatory statements which are false , it is likely that some of them would publish so much in the nature of defamatory allegations against public organisations , and the men and women who run those organisations , that the public , if there was no effective process for determining whether the charges were substantially true or not , might cease to be greatly concerned about the charges save for such amusement as the stories might provide .
22 I 'm sure that some of them will help me . ’
23 The thing about the Paddies is that some of them can pass as English if they 've been brought up here .
24 She was about to ask him why the party had been using the OBEX pool when , as if he could read her thoughts , he said , ‘ I used to take them to the public swimming-pool in town , but it gets so crowded that some of them used to get frightened .
25 At the end Christopher took matters in hand and commanded Francis to instruct his guests that some of them must volunteer to wash up .
26 I mean I know there 's always an argument , especially here in Oxford , that people just come , look round the colleges and they 're gone again , but having said that some of them must spend some money .
27 For fourthly he talks about the women in his past , acknowledging that some of it must have been his fault .
28 I am sensitive to the fact that some of you will understand the problem more powerfully than any illustration , but I will press on .
29 But 28% do feel working mothers regard themselves as superior which suggest that some of us might have got carried away with out own importance .
30 There is however considerable interest among some of the younger members in doing this and there is a project that some of us will return to the Talyllyn when it can be arranged .
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