Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [be] only [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't believe in the idea of people possessed by devils , because it seemed to him that that was only a way of trying to tidy up the world by pigeon-holing everything .
2 The first of these screens is a conversion chart showing catch length and weight , although this is only an approximation .
3 It must be stressed that this is only a possibility ( and that the explanation has been very much simplified ) , but more and more researches are showing that it probably approximates to the truth .
4 It should be remembered that this is only a qualification on the foreign business carve-out ; if the investment business from the non-UK office with customers in the UK falls outside the carve-out , because it actually constitutes regulated business , the general COB Rules will apply in the normal way .
5 On the other hand , where severance of the subject matter is envisaged under the contract and property is to pass at this time , it is possible to argue that this is only a sale of goods ( see Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [ 1927 ] 1 KB 298 ) .
6 You could restore the original layout and typography , identify the genre , the title , the publisher , the author , the dedication , make a guess at the identity of Jean and Helga , say that this is only the beginning of something , predict possible continuations , say whether you would read on … and answer many other questions besides .
7 With relief I realized that this was only a day or so away .
8 But these people had been shot down some months ago and as the Feldwebel had told me that this was only a transit camp I knew that I was not likely to meet them here .
9 As time passed I became more and more interested in the intriguing field of radio broadcasting , little knowing that this was only the beginning of a radio career lasting for the next 50 years .
10 He decided in favour of Balliol , but made it clear that this was only the appointment of a figurehead : he himself was the true monarch .
11 Imagine Sun Ra and his Arkestra fumbling through a version of Funkadelic 's ‘ Maggot Brain ’ while a backbeat of earth-shaking dub hardcore metal and jazz squeal swirls in the distance … and that 's only a fragment of Praxis ' power !
12 Well the majority of them are a , abused or get thrown out of mental centres , I mean , some of them just run away from home because they want to and that 's only a minority , lots of them have
13 And that was only a fraction of the tricks he said he could do in his Heyday .
14 And that was only the beginning .
15 That was 1870 ; yet in 1881 Frances Mary Buss [ Miss Buss and Miss Beale/Cupid 's darts do not feel/How different from us/are Miss Beale and Miss Buss ] could say ‘ There is now no such thing as a ‘ woman 's education question ’ , ’ even if that were only a half truth .
16 There 's a stretch-steel tension in the normally soothing make-up room , where nine intently concentrating make-up girls are tending the terrified contestants — and this is only a dress-run .
17 I agreed and I put him under training for Mosquito , and to the best of my knowledge ( and this is only a guess ) he did over 70 sorties , got himself at least one DFC , if not two , and became a very worthwhile member of the Pathfinder Force .
18 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
19 It shows that on these given presuppositions it is little wonder that there is some doubt , and this is only the beginning of it .
20 And this was only a part of the ceremonial which surrounded the office with glamour and reminded the king 's subjects that he was God 's anointed — a notion which inspired them with great awe , when they were not actually engaged in rebellion against him .
21 Stormy , wet , windy , typical August weather , cormorants , wings flapping clockworklike against the force 5–6 wind , gulls gliding majestically , effortlessly over the wave tops , gannets swirling way up high before plummeting dramatically hurling themselves into the sea with terrific , surely painful splashes , then the puffins , taking off clumsily along the surface of the water , bouncing bomb style , crashing into successive wave crests in their attempts to stay clear of the bow , wildlife in abundance and this was only the view from the MacBraynes ferry !
22 Plans for ten-week short courses were never realised : the longest is the five-week course for the Yorkshire and Derbyshire Areas of the NUM , the average is around one week , and many are only a weekend .
23 ‘ Yes , but that 's only a technicality .
24 But that 's only a story .
25 You see something advertised like ‘ The Four Seasons ’ : well , everyone knows the famous bit , but that 's only a quarter of it .
26 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
27 But that 's only a palliative . ’
28 You may find Ollie rather baroque , but that 's only the facade .
29 ‘ In another location I would probably have a full dining room every night , but that is only a part of what is important to me .
30 This can be seen throughout Formen in his struggles with the word ‘ property ’ , but that is only a beginning .
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