Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have no evidence one way or another as to the extent of risk of an episode occurring within five weeks but realism and commonsense tell me that there is a reasonable possibility that it will not and that even if he does unfortunately suffer such a trauma , he will if his life has to be preserved by artificial means , recover sufficiently for a decision at the main hearing as to further mechanical ventilation for the future .
3 True , they have D-marks , though their pay is less than half that in the west , and in principle full rights under the constitution .
4 Er he wants two two or three coaches for this and that and for a special to Liverpool you see , he 'd need it later that afternoon .
5 It was because the moment of decision was approaching that they were up here on the hill of Dumyat , six miles from Thorfinn 's muster-point at Dunblane , and half that from the crag on the Forth beside which , on one side or another , Thorfinn would take his stand against any Northumbrian advance out of Lothian .
6 And I was half and half and by the time I you know , to come down to answer it mum , they 'd gone .
7 On the other hand , I 've been as happy as a turkey in January , and all because of a story I spotted in a medical magazine , stating that regular lashings of oily fish cut sharply your chances of having a heart attack .
8 Discussion groups meet , theses are written and moral messages are read into each line of the scripts and all because of a Cheltenham wine merchant .
9 She was alone now , she had lost not only her father but her possessions , her beloved emeralds and her home and all because of the neglect of Craig Grenfell .
10 Steroids were begun soon after this and in the absence of further relapse it is possible that they have had an effect on the disease .
11 I do n't think it 's as simple as that because at the time that we were doing the budget , we were doing it really in September , and most of those other cate categories of work , apart from like auto-offs reports and things , were n't having an impact .
12 The gradual assimilation of minority nationalities , moreover , has operated less to the advantage of the Russian population as such than to the advantage of the larger nationalities in general , Russians included .
13 Some cross-party voting could be expected , though less than in the Republic , the differentiation of our political parties being much clearer .
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