Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [noun] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their use is most developed in the social insects , where each nest has a unique odour .
2 To this end a double-entry system of bookkeeping , where each debit has a corresponding credit entry , will be used , which provides an arithmetic check of the books .
3 The centre uses a participatory methodology , where each organisation chooses the appropriate training based on its particular needs .
4 For him it was like a gigantic acrostic , an alchemist 's shop where each object had a mysterious value , an inner history that had to be deduced , unravelled , guessed at .
5 Even more exciting changes of éaulement can be found in Ashton 's Birthday Offering where each soloist dances an old step at a new angle , without breaking the rules or older conventions of nineteenth-century ballet .
6 Indeed , lawyers and others may operate in the belief that international law is an important , though not conclusive , element of the political relationship between states , or that law has an important ‘ symbolic ’ role to play — in other words , it adds credence to the political and moral case put forward by the peace movement in a way that does not depend on international law being ‘ effective ’ .
7 Interest in the nature of society was not lacking in the sixteenth century , and in one way or another commentators found a good deal to say about it .
8 Seeing this Alice felt a little spurt of triumph , then pity .
9 Apart from a very limited number of highly specialist areas of the environment where changes will automatically trigger responses within the enterprise ( e.g. the financial markets , meteorology ) , an enterprise can not respond to changes in its environment unless someone , or some people make(s) a positive effort to transfer information about the changes to the person or persons within the enterprise charged with responding to the changes ( or not , as the case might be ) .
10 The internationalism of the leaders and cadres of national liberation movements in the Third World is more obvious where such movements played a leading part in the liberation of their countries than where countries were decolonised from above , for the post-independence breakdown of what previously operated , as a united movement of ‘ the people ’ is more dramatic .
11 Where such worries exist the inconsequential chatter must not be allowed to continue too long .
12 In my judgment , though the introduction of further admissible material will inevitably involve some increase in the use of time , this will not be significant as long as courts insist that Parliamentary material should only be introduced in the limited cases I have mentioned and where such material contains a clear indication from the minister of the mischief aimed at , or the nature of the cure intended , by the legislation .
13 There are only a few societies where all members hold the same characteristics to be applicable to everyone .
14 To demonstrate something of the scope of the task which children have to undertake , this chapter examines one area of written discourse where language use deviates widely from the nearest oral counterparts , and where many variants have no oral counterpart at all .
15 A business consisting of a group of diverse subsidiary companies may not find this adequate , where one or more subsidiaries demand a different chart of accounts .
16 A more difficult question in relation to severable contracts is whether a breach of condition in relation to one or more instalments entitles the innocent party to regard the whole contract as repudiated or whether it is a severable breach confined to the instalments in question .
17 A synonym occurs when the application of the randomising formula to two or more keys gives the same address .
18 In an action for recovery of land , the particulars must give : ( 1 ) a full description of the land ; ( 2 ) the net annual value for rating , or , if the land does not consist of one or more hereditaments having a separate net annual value for rating : ( a ) where the land forms part of a hereditament having a net annual value not exceeding the county court limit ( see under " Limits of County Court Jurisdiction " ) , the net annual value of that hereditament , or ( b ) in any other case , the value of the land by the year ; ( See as to NAV — Chapter 29 ) ( 3 ) the rent , if any , of the land ; ( 4 ) the grounds on which possession is claimed ; ( 5 ) in a case under s 138 of the 1984 Act ( proceedings to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture for non-payment of rent ) , the daily rate at which the rent in arrear or mesne profits are to be calculated ; ( 6 ) in proceedings for forfeiture the name and address of any underlessee or mortgagee entitled to claim relief against forfeiture and a copy of the particulars of claim for that person ( Ord 6 , r 3(2) ) ; ( 7 ) a claim for arrears of rent and mesne profits should be included if applicable ( see Chapter 16 ) .
19 Every individual and group member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote for each vacancy to be filled and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes , the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote .
20 Every individual and group member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote for each vacancy to be filled and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes , the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote .
21 Every member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote for each vacancy to be filled and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes , the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote .
22 Very commonly two or more men shared a single assessment , mostly members of the same family , though the occasional bracketing of different surnames suggests cousins or , rather , in-laws — the husbands of co-heiresses who were commonplace among landowners locally ; and maybe business partnerships of the kind often formed by miners to save expenses .
23 Materials were collected in advance and stored in anticipation of their use ; powder slowly got cheaper in the course of the fifteenth century ; while many towns employed one or more men to supervise the effective use of artillery in case of attack .
24 In heavily infections of 40,000 or more adult worms the principal effects of these changes are , first , a reduction in the acidity of the abomasal fluid , the pH increasing from 2.0 up to 7.0 .
25 Men who 've only had one partner almost never fantasize at work , whereas those who have had 10 or more partners have a strong tendency in the office to let their thoughts wander to sex .
26 Here they would spend ten or more days catching the young gannets which breed on the rock in thousands .
27 Following surgery to the heart or lungs , or any operation requiring a long period under anaesthesia , some patients fail to regain the ability to breathe independently and require mechanical assistance .
28 Where several people use the same PC , each could have their own program group containing the programs they normally work with .
29 Peering closely at the page , though , he thought he could still make out the shapes of the words , or enough shapes to allow a quick and hostile mind to piece together the whole sentence .
30 However , the adoption of this policy alone does not solve the problem of making optimal use of the volume , because filling up the highest part of the nave with habitable accommodation arranged on one or several storeys deprives the lower-level spinal space of the church of natural light .
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