Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] to the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the normal form we are forced to accept only one of these representations ; we choose the left hand one by insisting that pairs of expressions unc output on the same channel or assigned to the same variable be ordered .
2 The reasons for demanding that expressions output on one channel , or assigned to the same variable , be uniformly ordered have already been explained .
3 AIthough the number of workers in the transport industries may have declined , it does not follow that the number of transport workers in the wider economy has also fallen or fallen to the same extent .
4 and referred to the same phenomenon in his introduction to Pascal 's Pens , in which he declared that certain kinds of ill health may favour not only " religious illumination " but also " artistic and literary composition " .
5 It measures with reasonable accuracy if confined to the same subject throughout the measuring period , but this accuracy is very much reduced if the subject is changed .
6 I slid it into my keepnet , re-baited and cast to the same spot .
7 After the shelves have been weeded , all other books which are on loan from that section at the time of weeding should be screened on their return and subjected to the same process .
8 They can be located anywhere in the kitchen and attached to the same sort of outlet as an electric stove .
9 However , when compared to the same month last year , the May value is a 49 per cent improvement , and the trend from the beginning of 1992 remained upwards .
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