Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] in the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly these perspectives are not restricted to teacher responses to innovations proposed by others , but can also be used to explain why particular changes are promoted or envisaged in the first place .
2 Even before 1905 , a solidly-based mass press had come into being , and in the last decade of the Empire there was an explosion in the publication of newspapers , while the number of books appearing more than trebled in the first decade and a half of the century .
3 In place of vague ideological statements and piecemeal policies the primary sector now needs a substantial programme of professional development and support aimed at enhancing the curriculum expertise of all its primary staff , and targeted in the first instance on those aspects of the curriculum where studies like this have identified the greatest problems .
4 Let me be buried in lead at Claydon next to where your father proposes to lie himself , and let no stranger wind me , nor do not let me be stripped , but put a clean smock on me , and let my face be hid and do you stay in the room and see me wound and laid in the first coffin , which must be of wood if I do not die of any infectious disease , else I am so far from desiring it that I forbid you to come near me .
5 His true value would have been far more appreciated if introduced in the first place to more mature minds .
6 Famous sights and buildings shown and described in the first part .
7 If these do not yield results which support the hypothesis , it may either be because the experiments were ineffectively designed , in which case the researcher will - design some more , or because the hypothesis was invalid as formulated in the first place , in which case the researcher will reformulate it , and then work out what new experiments are needed to test it .
8 We reach this conclusion in the light of the evidence that notwithstanding the rules as to dismissal for theft as applied in the first place … each case can be and is reviewed on the intervention of the security officer who … will make an appropriate recommendation where the case does not warrant dismissal . ’
9 The reduced weighting of standardised mortality ratio in the final formula resulted in a shift in resources from the regions with higher premature mortality ( predominantly in the north ) to those with lower premature mortality ( mainly in the south east ) as shown in the first column of the table .
10 As indicated in the first chapter , there has evolved during relatively recent times a " traditional " listing of Muftis , the tradition beginning essentially with Mustakimzade and reaching perhaps definitive expression in the widely-used the equally widely-used chronological history by Danismend , and , more recently , Altunsu 's In respect at least of the origins of the institution this tradition has triumphed over another of some antiquity , advanced by Katib Celebi and followed by Hezarfen and the western authors d'Ohsson and Hammer , which names Hizir Bey ( d. 863/1459 ) , the first kadi of Istanbul , as the first Seyhulislam and which differs in several other respects from the now-accepted account of the succession of fifteenth-century Muftis .
11 As illustrated in the first chapter , formal community care services are provided by a variety of different agencies .
12 With handwriting , there are similar problems concerning the identification of letter boundaries , as illustrated in the first example ( ’ cl ’ and ’ d ’ can be easily confused ) .
13 Nobody appeared to show the least surprise when Charles appeared in Service Dress after his servant had arranged a room at the farm for the change and a hot water wash after a little light work on the trench system , trenches that bore every resemblance to those he had seen and read about as constructed in the First War .
14 National recommendations are clear : 60–80 mg of gentamicin twice a day , and peak concentrations should be between 3 and 5 µg/ml , not 9 µg/ml as suggested in the first case history .
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