Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] for [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The insects are only an annoyance on the rare days when there is n't a breeze blowing , and are more than compensated for by the wealth of bird life in the area And it is not only birds .
2 An outcome such as 4 raises A's utility to and B's to Intuitively , what is happening is that A 's loss of utility from the reduction of her own income is being more than compensated for by the knowledge that B 's income is also falling .
3 Hence the loss of areas 3 + 5 to the UK is more than compensated for by the remittance of profits from Germany , as area 10 is greater than areas 3 + 5 .
4 Any disappointment he may feel over the delay has been more than compensated for by the news that tickets for this year 's event are already selling fast .
5 Some tone did go , but this was more than compensated for by the Power Tool 's onboard EQ .
6 Every Sunday morning when his wife woke him he soundly ( if silently ) cursed his adopted religion ; but the hell of getting up when all sensible creatures were lost in lovely sleep , was more than compensated for by the feeling of well-being after Mass , which made him beam and glow like an advertisement for salts — ‘ It 's Inner Cleanliness that counts ! ’ — ; and look forward with relish to eggs and bacon with a righteous sense of having earned them , and the lazy hours to follow .
7 But the inward drift slows slightly as the extra dissipative losses are more than compensated for by the energy and angular momentum which the bar pumps in at this point — recall that the bar is here going around faster than the gas , so it has a tendency to spin the gas up as well as a tendency to cause it to radiate vigorously .
8 As the black hole loses mass , the area of its event horizon gets smaller , but this decrease in the entropy of the black hole is more than compensated for by the entropy of the emitted radiation , so the second law is never violated .
9 While it is a premium to the market , it should be more than accounted for by the property .
10 The buyer 's concerns here are that these items be properly used and cared for by the seller , that they be used only for the purposes of the sub-contract ( ie that the seller does not use them to make goods for third parties which can then be sold by them in competition with the buyer ) , and that they be returned to him at the end of the sub-contract .
11 On check-out the group leader will hand the reception manager a copy of this voucher detailing all the charges the tour operator will be responsible for and signed for by the group leader .
12 In June , 1950 , North Korean Communists nearly overran the southern half of the artificially divided country , the half which the U.S. had occupied and paid for since the war .
13 Regulation 22 declares that LCH will have no liability in respect of a tender , documents or delivery , or any matter arising under a contract , unless : ( 1 ) The member claiming against LCH gives notice of his claim by 5 pm in the afternoon of the seventh business day after that on which documents are to be taken up and paid for by the buyer ; and ( 2 ) That member refers any dispute to arbitration under the market rules and an award is made in his favour .
14 The emphasis was now to be increasingly on service , given to and paid for by the state , which assumed the right to appoint its commanders ( this was made easier by the fact that all accepted the state 's money for service in war ) and to demand that it got the best available in return for its money .
15 Allowances and benefits arranged and paid for by the employer prior to departure include : medical examinations ; inoculations ; passports ; visas ; work permits ; travel to point of departure ; hotel accommodation ; housing costs ( agents ' fees , etc. ) ; car compensation ( as in the case of an enforced sale ) ; outfit allowance and language tuition .
16 Upon termination of the retainer , the client is entitled to be handed back all relevant papers ( ie documents prepared by the solicitor for the benefit of and paid for by the client , eg instructions to counsel , copy letters to third parties etc , and documents prepared by a third party during the retainer and sent to the solicitor other than at the latter 's expense , eg vouchers for the solicitor 's disbursements ) and other property which may be in the solicitor 's possession , though the solicitor does have a lien in respect of his unpaid costs .
17 And in Hereford and Worcester , facilities for abused children are run by a children 's charity and paid for by the authority .
18 Opposite its entrance is the High Synagogue , completed in 1568 and paid for by the mayor of the ghetto , Mordechai Maizl .
19 At one end is the newspaper or magazine , delivered by the newsagent and paid for by the reader .
20 The piano that we had inspected and paid for in the city was delivered by three young Arabs in a beat-up van .
21 During their absence , any discrepancies must be followed up and accounted for by the replacement or supervisor .
22 Governor 's rule had initially been imposed for a maximum six-month period ( as provided for under the state Constitution ) on Jan. 19 [ see pp. 37183-84 ] .
23 Some of the more extreme Whigs in the Convention pressed for the removal of the sacramental tests for office-holders as provided for under the Corporation Act and Test Acts .
24 Where money has been paid over to the debtor before the end of the " cooling-off " period , the CCA 1974 gives the debtor the choice : firstly , to take a month 's free credit before repaying the credit already advanced ( s71(2) ( a ) ) ; or secondly , with regard to money already spent , he can repay the money with interest , as provided for in the credit agreement , so that the effect of the cancellation only relates to the linked supply transaction ( s71(3) ) .
25 Some demolition of property and setting back of frontages was completed , but by no means as much as provided for in the Act .
26 2.4.2 as may be [ reasonably ] required by the Architect provided that no modification shall be made pursuant to this clause 2.4.2 which would substantially alter the design layout nature capacity or standard of construction of the Premises as provided for in the Building Documents or substantially prejudice the use of the Premises for the purpose specified in the Lease It may be preferable to substitute the word " materially " for the word " substantially " in clause 2.4.2 as the latter suggests that some alteration less than substantial may be permitted but which could result in not inconsequential prejudice occurring to the design or use of the premises .
27 Urging national governments to develop further the structure of the planned political union , as an essential concomitant to successful economic and monetary union , the Bundesbank said that the fulfilment of entry criteria and conditions of economic convergence between EC countries should not be linked to a specific time frame ( as provided for in the treaty ) .
28 The Institute continued to express its opposition to Compulsory Competitive Tendering for architectural services as provided for in the Local Government Act 1992 .
29 References to our name will be appropriate only where we have provided a report for publication in a public document or circular , or ( as provided for in the engagement letter ) have otherwise consented to the ‘ form and context ’ in which our name is to appear .
30 A two-thirds majority , as provided for in the constitution , would only be held necessary for constitutional changes and legislation affecting human and civil rights .
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