Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Circles , straight lines and zig-zags can be chalked or painted on to a hard surface for children to walk , run , jump or skip along .
2 In this case the solvent has to be evaporated or boiled off at a low temperature .
3 It was two more years before ration books could finally be burned or torn up by a thankful population — meat , bacon and butter were the last things to be freed .
4 In other words , thirty-six ( or about two-thirds ) of the families that were resident in Willingham in 1575 had either moved or died out in the male line during the course of a century and a half .
5 Whether GRIDS themselves are used or another comparable scheme of self-review , choices slowly emerge about what should be strengthened , retained or phased out over the next four years .
6 Students of our naval past may treasure those small books bound in wood salvaged from the Mary Rose , which heeled over and sank off Portsmouth in 1545 ; or brought up from the Royal George which , a tarnished monument to the neglect of the Admiralty , went down at Spithead in 1772 with nearly a thousand souls .
7 149 ( 3 ) A term , at a rent or granted in consideration of a fine , limited after the commencement of this Act to take effect more than twenty-one years from the date of the instrument purporting to create it , shall be void , and any contract made after such commencement to create such a term shall likewise be void ; but this subsection does not apply to any term taking effect in equity under a settlement , or created out of an equitable interest under a settlement , or under an equitable power for mortgage , indemnity or other like purposes .
8 I wonder sometimes where my cousin ended up ; at the bottom of the sea , or washed on to some craggy and deserted shore , or blown on to a high mountain face , to be eaten by gulls or eagles …
9 Whatever has to be copied is typed or handwritten on to the exposed surface of the special paper creating a reverse image in carbon on the back of the paper .
10 The expectation was that the losses sustained by the low cover price would be more than made up by the larger circulation and by advertising .
11 What is interesting to note about both the theory of public choice and Chicago School economic analysis of law is that their analyses , although wrapped up in the analytical apparatus of modern economics , reach more or less identical conclusions to Hayek .
12 In such a universe , in which the expansion was accelerated by a cosmological constant rather than slowed down by the gravitational attraction of matter , there would be enough time for light to travel from one region to another in the early universe .
13 So , Lessing maintained , the first kind of truth can not be demonstrated by the second , nor brought down to the same level .
14 The office was smaller and tidier than the one used by Inside Out , although laid out in a similar way with desks back to back .
15 There are two groups of tropical diseases of importance ; those that are sexually transmitted — chancroid , granuloma inguinale , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and those that , although passed on in a non-sexual fashion , are closely related to syphilis and may be confused with it .
16 The vast majority of these were hastily-assembled hack jobs , pieced together from published sources and fleshed out with the dubious reminiscences of alleged veterans .
17 Then he crouched over it and squared up to an imaginary ball .
18 But the walls themselves were constructed with an infill of mud bricks , set in mud mortar , and smoothed over with a beautiful mud plaster .
19 This would seem appropriate to the early stages of learning a foreign language , but is too restrictive if carried on to an advanced level .
20 The government maintains that dipping is safe if carried out with the recommended protective clothing and other precautions .
21 The girls walked in the Rose Gardens and caught up on the past months , discussed the future .
22 Thus , once again , there is considerable potential for teachers to become confused between the relative demands of these two quite different approaches to moderation and caught up in a great deal of additional work .
23 Now John Burnett found his good-natured and impressionable son falling under the spell of two far more intelligent men of dubious opinions , and caught up in a wild scheme for emigration to America .
24 It was remarkably brief , but encompassed a great deal and was consciously planned and carried through as an ecumenical Council , the first of its kind .
25 The work reported in this thesis was sponsored by General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation plc and carried out at the Medical Research Council 's Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge and I thank Alan Baddeley and all at the unit for making the work possible .
26 It is notable that , on the final French campaign of 1449–50 , carefully and confidently organised by the king , and carried out by a much-reformed army , the majority of fortified places did not resist , preferring to open their gates to the side which not only controlled more firepower but claimed with greater vigour to represent legitimate and effective rule .
27 Some of these other forms of treatment — even some that are advised and carried out by the medical profession — are the clinical equivalent of the extraordinarily inhuman ( and ineffective ) previous " treatment " of cancer patients by pulling out all their teeth .
28 The coroner 's jury had even brought in a sensational verdict , that ‘ the murder was organised and carried out by the Royal Irish Constabulary , officially directed by the British Government , and we return a verdict of wilful murder against David Lloyd George , Prime Minister of England … . ’
29 Furthermore , there is a general permission for any development in connection with coal industry activities ( as defined in section 63 of the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 ) and carried out in the immediate vicinity of a pithead .
30 It was clear that the Great Casterton defences had been planned and carried out in an unhurried manner and with military precision .
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