Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 WHAT a ridiculous idea for parents to be fined or punished for the bad behaviour of their children .
2 Finally , whatever the future of state schools ' funding , whether it be grant maintained or devolved under the local management of schools , all schools must be fairly and adequately resourced .
3 To the fields brought in by IPC had been added others , discovered or developed by the national oil company INOC , under new-style arrangements , notably the Brazilian discovery Majnun , prominent in the fighting near Basrah in the 1980s .
4 If , on the other hand , he was not genuine in writing the letters and had connived or conduced to the fraudulent behaviour of the son , or was even aware of it and consented to it , then he would not under any logical analysis have written the letters in these terms .
5 Fitch reckons that not all bond insurers deserve the top rating ; those that do , it believes , suffer because investors do not trust the triple-As assigned to the insured debt by Moody 's and S&P .
6 Volunteers are naturally eager to know how well the event has done so it 's best that the cash is totalled before they leave then either banked straight away or placed in the safe keeping of the headteacher or the deputy until the bank opens on the following day .
7 This theme , the ties between city and colony , and the ways they were reinforced , weakened or broken in the great war , is important to Thucydides , and it is not accidental that it occurs thus early .
8 Women had either been ignored or treated as the deviant half of humanity .
9 These restrictive measures , sponsored by Ramsay MacDonald , which are never to be forgotten or forgiven by the Labour party , were defended as the inevitable product of the continuing economic crises of the 1930s .
10 Some Romanians claim ( not unreasonably though without evidence ) that Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu were diabolists who had arranged for certain black magical and other superstitious figures to be carved in the decorations of the Casa Republicii or hidden in the overall design and visible only to other satanic initiates of the occult .
11 The ideological approach to the problem of soil erosion in the international aid and academic communities can not be ‘ read off ’ or predetermined by the relative strength of direct economic interests , as there is often a degree of autonomy of these ideas from economic determinants .
12 Obviously there is not a club atmosphere at Harlequins , and in most other sports they would be fined or disciplined for the unfair competition they are setting up in the league , both from the top and bottom sides .
13 In patients with oesophagitis Grade 0 , I , and II , this mucosal junction is very close or located at the proximal limit of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
14 Radio Lebanon reported on Aug. 24 that a number of civilians were killed or wounded in the subsequent SLA barrage , during which , according to some sources , regular Lebanese soldiers ( deployed in the south since July — see p. 38360 ) clashed with SLA fighters .
15 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
16 In this chapter , we intend briefly to survey some of the cultural and technological correlates of a society 's attitudes towards child upbringing generally ; and , more specifically , to examine a few of the ways in which the individual methods which parents adopt in the handling of their small children are defined or modified by the intricate pattern of cultural pressures to which they find themselves subject .
17 We mentioned earlier in this chapter that some people feel uncomfortable or trapped by the public contract of marriage , yet still allow themselves to be married .
18 Hopes for a ‘ green lung ’ in the heart of the city are fading , particularly since the announcement that Mercedes Benz is to build a huge service centre on Potsdamer Platz , dashing hopes that it might be left as a park or rebuilt as the commercial hub of the city it was before the war .
19 The commons presented a series of articles in which they objected to the levying of prises and insisted that ‘ no free man should be assessed or taxed without the common assent of parliament ’ .
20 It prepared me better than anything I 'd read or seen for the crisp exterior and soft centre of the Big Apple .
21 The tank 's equipment can either be disguised , as in an informal tank , or incorporated into the formal aquascape .
22 £86 million of tax is paid to , or collected by the Inland Revenue in error .
23 The extra three month interval often helps as the initial model or release is nearly always modified or upgraded by the following Spring .
24 Flattered for a little while , they soon begin to feel embarrassed or threatened by the powerful nature of the feeling that surrounds them .
25 Two hundred and eighty four patients were classed as renal patients because the disease causing admission — as recorded on their official case sheet — was renal or related to the urinary tract ; the remaining 1243 were classed as non-renal patients .
26 In many cases the structure may also be capable of being assessed under TA 1988 , s739 although if there is a UK life tenant it may be argued that the income is not in reality paid to a person who is resident or domiciled outside the United Kindom within TA 1988 , s739 .
27 Having ‘ failed ’ to find the curriculum or examination version of the Holy Grail for themselves during the sixties and seventies ( and having exhausted themselves in the process ) the schools are , at the moment , resigned to accepting a string of panaceas from without — the YTS/TVEI initiatives are now being superseded or subsumed by the National Curriculum cure-all .
28 Other circles were within sight , the most notable being the famed Druid temple known as Callanish ; and my imagination , I must own , was discovering Druid circles or single Druid stones wherever grey rocks were seen rising above or bedded in the dark moor .
29 For one thing , Kant himself had developed the thought that the kingdom of God is to be identified or interpreted as the ethical organisation of human society .
30 They had to be ‘ processed ’ or interpreted in the political sphere through the cut and thrust of political debate and conflict .
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