Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such stamps must be used with care ; a stamp may often be illegible and , if so , it may be held that terms contained or referred to in the stamped notice are not incorporated .
2 The Landlord demises to the Tenant the Premises Together with the rights specified in the second Schedule but Excepting and reserving to the Landlord the rights specified in the third Schedule To hold the Premises to the Tenant for the Contractual Term Subject to all rights easements privileges restrictions covenants and stipulations of whatever nature affecting the Premises [ including the matters contained or referred to in the seventh Schedule ] Yielding and paying to the Landlord :
3 Unless these issues are satisfactorily resolved , ideas emerging from disciplinary study can not be effectively assessed or acted upon in the pedagogic domain .
4 With this sort of hierarchical team , the possibility of idiosyncratic judgements is minimized , and with the control of the recording in the supervisors ' hands , errors are more readily noted at the time they occur and can be corrected or allowed for in the subsequent analysis .
5 A tape recorded announcement of a military uprising against the government was received by the Noticias Argentinas news agency on Nov. 7 and commented on in the daily newspaper El Diario Popular on Nov. 8 .
6 This is true right down to the detail of how we use electronic mail , for example , in which , until we discover or are shown otherwise , we start from the assumption that this is a cheaper and more rapid method of writing the sort of letters we always wrote , and that those letters should have the same status , and be stored and referred to in the same way , as the written or typed ( and duplicated ) paper missive .
7 It may be added that the Montreal Tramways case was cited and relied on in the earliest United States case of 1946 where the changed view , that the child could sue , was adopted .
8 Payment quarters mainly reflect visits done in the preceding quarter but also include visits made and claimed for in the first month of the payment quarter .
9 All this is stored and cared for in the six large unheated cupboards in the linen room .
10 It had been faced and dealt with in the early centuries of the church and later along the lines that the inspiration of the Bible did not mean that God simply dictated the words , or that the authors ceased to be human and fallible .
11 Third , the number of contaminating displaced amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer , found in substantial numbers in the peripheral retina , and accounted for in the original counts , was similar to the number of displaced amacrine cells estimated by us in a hemiretina of a monkey in which all ganglion cells had been destroyed by severing the optic tract 2 years earlier .
12 Resolutions will have to be evidenced in writing and all contracts between the company and the sole member ( if the sole member is also the sole director , bearing in mind that a director need not be a member ) will have to be in writing unless entered into in the ordinary course of the company 's business on its usual terms and conditions .
13 They comment : ‘ As referred to in the interim report , including the letter to shareholders , the validity of the going concern basis is dependent upon the terms of the resolution of the group 's disputes with its contractors , the continued availability of the finance arranged with its bankers and the raising of additional funding to enable the trading operations of the Channel Tunnel system to progress to a point at which the group becomes cash generative net of funding costs . ’
14 Of the other two big continental powers , Germany is busy absorbing the former East German army and cutting the new all-German force to a promised limit of 370,000 men , as agreed to in the European conventional arms-control treaty in Paris last November .
15 As provided for in the relevant legislation passed in February 1991 [ see p. 38018 ] , six of the judges were Czech citizens and six Slovak citizens ; they were chosen by the President from lists submitted by the federal and the two republican parliaments and would serve for seven-year terms .
16 The Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference , as provided for in the Anglo-Irish Agreement of November 1985 [ see pp. 34070-73 ] , held further meetings early in 1990 .
17 The vote of the Danish Folketing ( unicameral parliament ) , as was made clear after its debate on Dec. 5 , would be subject to confirmation in two referendums , as provided for in the Danish Constitution for matters affecting national sovereignty .
18 Grasmere , too has lost its galleries but evidently they were there once as de Quincey wrote describing them in his Recollections , ‘ A very interesting feature of the elder architecture , annually becoming more and more rare viz the outside gallery , which is sometimes merely of wood , but is much more striking when provided for in the original construction of the house and completely enfoncée in the masonry . ’
19 From our discussion of the spatio-temporal co-ordinates which seem , in principle , peculiarly accessible to standard specification , it must be obvious first , that deictic expressions may retain a standard deictic centre but must be interpreted with respect to the content of the utterance in which they occur and , second , that the relevant standard temporal description of an utterance , for instance 9.22 a.m. on Tuesday 28 June 1873 , as opposed to in the late nineteenth century , will vary depending on the knowledge and intention of the analyst ( or speaker ) in referring to the utterance as located in time .
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