Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Circles , straight lines and zig-zags can be chalked or painted on to a hard surface for children to walk , run , jump or skip along .
2 Similar findings were observed with prostacyclin either applied locally or given systemically in the coronary artery of dog ( Aiken et al , 1979 ) .
3 There is a masterpiece in most churches , or placed casually in a small chapel in a field .
4 In this case the solvent has to be evaporated or boiled off at a low temperature .
5 It was two more years before ration books could finally be burned or torn up by a thankful population — meat , bacon and butter were the last things to be freed .
6 The 12 points may be identified and copied to an adjoining layer ( to aid clarity ) or operated directly in the original view .
7 In other words , thirty-six ( or about two-thirds ) of the families that were resident in Willingham in 1575 had either moved or died out in the male line during the course of a century and a half .
8 Whether GRIDS themselves are used or another comparable scheme of self-review , choices slowly emerge about what should be strengthened , retained or phased out over the next four years .
9 Students of our naval past may treasure those small books bound in wood salvaged from the Mary Rose , which heeled over and sank off Portsmouth in 1545 ; or brought up from the Royal George which , a tarnished monument to the neglect of the Admiralty , went down at Spithead in 1772 with nearly a thousand souls .
10 One by one , true believers have either died off or slipped away into the post-Modern or revivalist camp under one pretext or another .
11 ( 2 ) Nothing in subsection ( 1 ) above shall prohibit or restrict : ( a ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor in any premises at any time within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours ; ( b ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours and was not supplied or taken away in an open vessel ; ( c ) the sale or supply to , or consumption by , any person of alcoholic liquor in any premises where he is residing ; ( d ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises by a person residing there ; ( e ) the supply of alcoholic liquor , in any premises , for consumption on those premises , to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by , and at the expense of , that person , or the consumption by such friends of alcoholic liquor so supplied to them ; the ordering of alcoholic liquor to be consumed off the premises or the despatch by the vendor of liquor so ordered ; ( g ) the supply of alcoholic liquor for consumption on licensed premises to any private friends of the holder of the licence bona fide entertained by him at his own expense , or the consumption of alcoholic liquor by persons so supplied ; ( h ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor at a meal by any person at any time within half an hour after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if the liquor was supplied during the permitted hours and served at the same time as the meal and for consumption at the meal ; ( i ) the sale of alcoholic liquor to a trader for the purposes of his trade , or to a registered club for the purposes of the club ; or ( j ) the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor to any canteen in which the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor is carried on under the authority of the Secretary of State or to any authorised mess of members of Her Majesty 's naval , military or air forces .
12 149 ( 3 ) A term , at a rent or granted in consideration of a fine , limited after the commencement of this Act to take effect more than twenty-one years from the date of the instrument purporting to create it , shall be void , and any contract made after such commencement to create such a term shall likewise be void ; but this subsection does not apply to any term taking effect in equity under a settlement , or created out of an equitable interest under a settlement , or under an equitable power for mortgage , indemnity or other like purposes .
13 I wonder sometimes where my cousin ended up ; at the bottom of the sea , or washed on to some craggy and deserted shore , or blown on to a high mountain face , to be eaten by gulls or eagles …
14 Whatever has to be copied is typed or handwritten on to the exposed surface of the special paper creating a reverse image in carbon on the back of the paper .
15 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
16 Significantly , since that evening 's arrests the problem has neither recurred at the location nor developed elsewhere within the controlled Parking Scheme .
17 Although situated entirely in the Libyan section of the continental shelf , 10 per cent of the revenue from the field would be devoted to joint projects , including one to connect the two countries ' power grids , a 300-km motorway between Ras Jedir on the border and Sfax in Tunisia , and a pipeline linking the Libyan refinery in Zuwarah , 200 km west of Tripoli , with the Tunisian port of Zarzis .
18 The expectation was that the losses sustained by the low cover price would be more than made up by the larger circulation and by advertising .
19 What is interesting to note about both the theory of public choice and Chicago School economic analysis of law is that their analyses , although wrapped up in the analytical apparatus of modern economics , reach more or less identical conclusions to Hayek .
20 In such a universe , in which the expansion was accelerated by a cosmological constant rather than slowed down by the gravitational attraction of matter , there would be enough time for light to travel from one region to another in the early universe .
21 So , Lessing maintained , the first kind of truth can not be demonstrated by the second , nor brought down to the same level .
22 The office was smaller and tidier than the one used by Inside Out , although laid out in a similar way with desks back to back .
23 There are two groups of tropical diseases of importance ; those that are sexually transmitted — chancroid , granuloma inguinale , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and those that , although passed on in a non-sexual fashion , are closely related to syphilis and may be confused with it .
24 But she knew then that , plagued and plagued again by the same thought during her fretful waking night-time hours , she just could not leave it .
25 ‘ It is my opinion ’ , Miss Honey said , ‘ that Matilda should be taken out of my form and placed immediately in the top form with the eleven-year-olds . ’
26 It has been noted that on occasions the cremated bones are found in the urns in a small cluster as if placed there in a small bag .
27 The vast majority of these were hastily-assembled hack jobs , pieced together from published sources and fleshed out with the dubious reminiscences of alleged veterans .
28 Work on the drift deposits of the Livingston and Falkirk areas in central Scotland indicate that sea-levels have risen and fallen repeatedly during the last 13 000 years .
29 The distribution of raised marine sediments and associated well-marked shorelines reveal that sea-levels have risen and fallen repeatedly during the last 13 000 years .
30 Then he crouched over it and squared up to an imaginary ball .
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