Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [adv] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was other Ramseys too , that lived further up the glen but they were taken round on the road way .
2 She lived in the Palestinian camp at Rashidiyeh , a wretched four square miles of breeze-block huts and cabins relieved only by the occasional tree , a straggling plant hanging from a poorly made brick wall and an open sewer that snaked uneasily down the centre of the mud roads .
3 We followed a narrow path that snaked precariously down the escarpment side .
4 Earlier , the full-back , apparently incensed at being called off just three minutes into the second half , turned away from the bench and sprinted straight down the tunnel .
5 Skillfully , Gerrard maneuvered the microphone away from her and moved quickly up the aisle to the back of the audience ; and the camera , pushed by a sweating man in a stained white shirt , followed him .
6 In the C2 10km race the Trains were drawn in lane 1 and paddled right up the centre of the course towards the first turn , avoiding the jostling in the middle , reminiscent of Stephen 's lone paddle at Poznan .
7 She pulled Fontana around and trotted quickly back the way she had come .
8 He waited until the guard was opposite him then he stepped deliberately over the warning rail and climbed slowly up the wire .
9 He turned and walked slowly up the avenue .
10 I put my gown on , taking as long as I could , and walked slowly down the passage to Nonni 's room .
11 The driver got down from the cab and walked slowly down the platform and disappeared through a solid wooden door .
12 But , as he reached across her to open the door and her fear of being touched did n't materialise , her heartbeat steadied and , contenting herself with a curt nod , she stepped across the threshold and walked briskly down the passageway and out of his sight .
13 Irish draft with a trace of Cleveland , thought Julia watching the selfish , handsome head as he surveyed the box without fear and walked calmly up the ramp beside Theodora into the left-hand stall .
14 Finally a continuous length of baler twine is threaded under the legs and over the top , pulled quite tight and tied halfway up the load .
15 He left school and went straight on the dole , like Derek probably will .
16 Slowly , I got to my feet and went higher up the shore .
17 The order of the day 's observances being immutable , whoever fell ill and whoever defaulted , the bell for Matins sounded in the dortoir as it did every midnight , and the brothers arose and went sleepily down the night stairs into the church .
18 She was still talking about the snake that lived under the water tank when Tom swung the wheel and purred rapidly up the hospital driveway , and if his face was still set in a grim frown and he did n't seem to be listening to her words at all , she should n't have minded , because the object of the exercise had been to entertain Faye , not him .
19 He stepped forward and advanced slowly up the ramp , still singing in that voice which shook the rafters .
20 At last he turned , and marched bravely back the way he had come , through the rows of smiling women .
21 The short cut turned out to be a lane which started abruptly at the bottom of a flight of steps opposite the Questura and ran straight down the hillside like a ruled line .
22 The plane dropped a wing towards Brooklyn and the dark water of Jamaica Bay and nosed gently down the traffic pattern of Kennedy Airport .
23 I dressed and crept along the endless corridors until I found the staircase and slid silently down the banisters under the disapproving eye of Sir Mauger Grindlewood .
24 They laughed and skied quickly down the mountains .
25 Mahmoud did not say anything but started immediately down the slope .
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