Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pron] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's top twenty girls fought or flowed it out in the championships over the weekend … the big prize for them this season is a place at the Olympics … only two girls can go … the competition is made up of four disciplines rope … hoop … ball and clubs …
2 He preferred to forget about those , or to pretend to himself that ‘ the real Marie ’ had not sent that bottle crashing into the wall by his head , or hunted him down in the darkness of the tunnels .
3 Sometimes the violent power of the Spirit is seen in almost physical terms , as when the Spirit of the Lord entered into Ezekiel and set him on his feet , or lifted him up , or brought him out into the valley ( Ezek. 2:2 , 3:12 , 37:1 ) .
4 No-one said or did anything out of the ordinary , but still guilt made her jump when the nurse came in with lunch .
5 Like several other drivers , they spun almost in unison , but it was the Nissan that made it back to the pits first .
6 Not our questions about the problem of God , but God 's call and invitation to us determined the direction of his thought and shaped his writing ; and it was this basic orientation that led him on to the restatement of christological and trinitarian dogma as the foundation and horizon of theology itself .
7 The small procession moved on towards a set of metal stairs that led them down to the second landing .
8 She was the spoon that impatiently opened your lips and put artichoke purée between them , the arm that lowered you backwards into the tin bath , the water in which you lay and splashed and did not drown .
9 The air intake scoops took their final shape ; the chrome trim that divided it longitudinally in the first two cars was finally eliminated .
10 But before we jump to the conclusion that Pound had simply had a brainstorm , or had been trapped by misplaced compassion for Dunning as a lame duck , we ought to consider another possibility — that imagism , and Pound 's endorsement of Ford 's insistence on ‘ the prose tradition ’ , had never been for him more than an aberration , though in the short term a very profitable one , from a way of feeling that impelled him always toward the cantabile , a proclivity that would , in the interests of melody , tolerate notably eccentric diction .
11 There were a great number of these at different points along the Straits , but there were three that found themselves right in the thick of things .
12 She was not alone any more in feeling oppressed by the strict formality , the strict time-keeping ; after-dinner games were more lively — and she was no longer the only one who wanted to giggle at the sound of the bagpipes that played them out of the dining-room after dinner every night .
13 He caught a glimpse of the fair hair and saw that she was talking to someone he recognised as the drummer from the band ; the whole group was there , giving an impromptu concert on tin whistles to the tired hikers sleeping on their rucksacks undaunted by the howl and shriek of the space-invader machines on the other side , a cacophony of mechanical rage that deafened him together with the thin notes of a rebel song .
14 Omnipresence was only one of several attributes that tipped him over into the realm of the superhuman .
15 He is hurt and shaken , but he insisted on coming back with me to say thank you for making the message that warned him away from the bog .
16 The midwife muttered her spells , and from far away Phoebe could hear voices calling her , siren voices that called her back to the pain and the reality .
17 But the fifteen that stayed and played on Saturday typified the courage that pulled them out of the gloom .
18 Christmas has come early for me with this one — another mysterious release that planted itself firmly on the Vibes desk .
19 After two years designing murals for Wimpey , the construction company , he took a teaching post that enticed him back into the photography world , and led to a post-graduate degree at the Royal College .
20 But then there was a sound that sent me swiftly to the door .
21 It proved enough for a most handsome victory over decidedly off-colour Ontario and it was an enormous pity that Rod Snow , the dynamic Newfoundland no.8 , sustained a neck injury that kept him out of the final .
22 England got the all-important shot that took them through to the final which they lost 19-8 to Ireland .
23 And what a snore he had … strong , long , thick and hard , it was a snore that went on all night long , a snore that never let up , baby ! … a snore that reached the highest heights and the deepest depths , a snore that took you up among the stars and down into the very inside of yourself .
24 He walked on , climbing the flight of stone steps that brought him up into the Strand itself .
25 It was the Lord Ba'al 's love for the virgin Anat that brought him back from the dead , in response to her tears .
26 Then she was able to take the mental step that brought her out into the light again .
27 Can you remember which part exerted the special emotional pull , the part that brought you back to the story again and again ?
28 The two whippets that accompanied him even at the front and the outsize shako of the Death 's Head Hussars he usually wore rounded out the picture .
29 One of the things that bothered me most in the villages of the Delta was the treatment given to women in childbirth .
30 Even in the Elizabethan and Stuart era rural communities in certain regions such as the West Riding of Yorkshire or the West Midlands had an industrial character that marked them off from the societies that have so far been described .
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