Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pron] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Conceptually , the inner city is a space outside society which has shown , for whatever reasons , a marked recalcitrance in responding to the macro-economic revival that surrounded it on all sides ( Massey and Meegan , 1989 ) .
2 But it is sobering to reflect that Bowes could devote so much time and energy to assembling his huge collections , a task that preoccupied him for many years , without apparently caring that a main source of his wealth , coal , was blighting lives and blighting the countryside .
3 Uncle Hilbert , however , was only just sixty , very hale and hearty , still very much in practice as a solicitor , and Lewis could not imagine stepping into his shoes , nor did he in those days think it very nice to anticipate such things .
4 He had a kind of inbuilt guilt that saved him from most affairs , but also occasionally made a fool of him .
5 Gaveston opened a door in the far wall and led them down some steps , dimly lit by torches fixed in iron brackets .
6 A man with a great bunch of keys joined us and led us down some steps to a doorway marked ‘ Luftschutzraum ’ .
7 He pulled the sheets aside and led us down some steps .
8 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
9 The woman was shocked when QC William Crawford put his hands on her waist and pecked her on both cheeks .
10 It achieved temperatures over a million degrees and sustained them for several milliseconds .
11 He suddenly thought of the hat she had lost , searched for it , and found it among some leaves on the ground .
12 Paraded in my immaculate " dhobied " drill I presented myself to my commanding officer who glared at me , and dismissed me with these words : " I am astonished that you have the gall , Mahaddie , to apply for a pilot 's course … if anyone is foolish enough to ever recommend you , you would only kill yourself , and probably others , Good day ! "
13 He could mend any broken toy , and make things too — I remember he made a great big rocking-horse for Hilary , and painted it in all sorts of marvellous colours .
14 She was silent and acquiescent , however , so he climbed in and drove her round several blocks , just for the joy of it , taking the sharp corners so fast that her tyres shrieked in protest .
15 He groped his way through the shadows at the foot of the stairs , located the large brass handle and turned it with both hands .
16 He read her expression — enquiring — and touched her on both shoulders .
17 And Jimmy had grabbed up a nearby typist 's chair from behind the screen and raised it with both hands like some huge club , ready to smash it across Duvall 's face .
18 Then there were Heather and Katie , inseparable friends , who bolstered each other by their mutual devotion ; never had they known a Moment 's shame of friendlessness , never had they had to look for a partner in dancing or in gym , never had they walked alone from classroom to classroom , and their confidence overflowed and imposed itself upon all beholders .
19 He put his arms on Myeloski 's shoulders , leant forward and kissed him on both cheeks .
20 ‘ Vitor 's happy to take you , ’ she declared serenely , and kissed her on both cheeks .
21 She said , ‘ Lulu , how lovely to see you ! ’ and kissed me on both cheeks . ’
22 Some crafty young entrepreneurs steamed in and relieved her of several pairs of Pumas at a knockdown price .
23 Then suddenly a doctor walked in all dressed up in his green gown and a face mask and said , " Hello , this is it then , " and a nurse took my ankles and shoved them into some stirrups and covered me up in all this green cloth .
24 Richard sat on a bed and watched her for several dances before claiming her again .
25 Then he suddenly went up on his toes and both hands flashed out and clipped me on both cheeks .
26 As the FMLN opened up war fronts and established itself in several areas of the country , many medical students and health workers joined the liberation army and worked with the communities to set up their own alternative health system .
27 ‘ Tough shit , ’ Rory said , and tickled her with both hands this time , producing a yelp .
28 Another point relates to the fact that , in the first case , the jury acquitted the defendants of one charge and convicted them of Both charges arose out of the same facts .
29 With the sale of the manor off her mind , Jane set the wheels in motion to find somewhere small to live , and treated herself to many walks with the dogs — more carefree , perhaps , than she had ever been .
30 Cadfael stooped and took it in both hands , and lifted it , and it parted from its setting without trailing a blade of grass or a torn edge of moss .
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