Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 On many occasions we have increased the sensitivity of our measurements or made a new class of observations , only to discover new phenomena that were not predicted by the existing theory , and to account for these we have had to develop a more advanced theory .
2 or used the wrong form of his name ?
3 The fastest growing economies since 1945 have been those very economies which have not indulged in the purchase of nuclear weapons or devoted a disproportionate share of their budgets to military expenditure .
4 The growth of the ‘ displacement ’ model would be understandable if it resolved individual difficulties or reduced the general incidence of difficulty .
5 It states it shall be the duty of local authorities , there i- , and on that point I , you know , in this area , I do n't think that Wiltshire County Council has done , or spent a great deal of money in actually furthering those .
6 If a person completed a year 's hiring in a parish , or served a full period of apprenticeship , then the right of settlement shifted to that parish .
7 Whenever she felt unwell or oppressed she embarked on a new course of treatment at the alternative medicine centre or ingested a new range of vitamins .
8 This is not to say that workers necessarily believed or accepted the new image of employers especially as during the 1950s memories of the pre-war era were clearly resonant .
9 Mandalay claims it , and the claim seems reasonable until you see Meiktila , a city of tents , or Myingyan in ruins , or Myitkyina a big sprawling village of huts , or Yenangyaung a derelict area of rusting oil derricks , or Prome flat and deserted .
10 This action is available if , at the time of the conversion , the plaintiff was in possession of the goods ( The Jag-Shakti [ 1986 ] 1 AC 337 ) or had an immediate right of possession of them .
11 However , many academic courses have or had an implicit point of reference in school-teaching , and many are organized in institutes or professional or subject associations .
12 During the 1960s , and what became known as the ‘ permissive society ’ , it was perhaps sexuality that became the dominant form of hedonism .
13 There was something about the expression on his face as he unclipped his seatbelt and turned towards her that made a sudden flurry of alarm run through her , and she backed as far away as the close confines of the car would allow .
14 Ramsay MacDonald was beaten by such a campaign in 1921 with language that made the general election of 1918 seem tame .
15 ‘ Fowler ’ was inserted for ‘ Tebbit ’ on the placards and the demonstration went ahead with a degree of intimidation that made the front page of every national newspaper the next day .
16 The size of the holes , and the thickness of the surrounding bubbles of enriched galaxy formation , depend on the details of the perturbations fed in to the idealised model calculations , and this offers hope that better observations of these holes in the Universe may reveal information about the kinds of disturbances that made the big bang of creation develop irregularly .
17 While there I was part of a management team that led a successful buyout of the Bricom Group from B & c .
18 In a move that revealed an unusual lack of ego and a large amount of common sense , he suggested that his friend , another drummer , Julian Sowa , would do a better job .
19 He initiated and led the search party which found and buried the bodies of Scott , Edward A. Wilson [ q.v. ] , and H. R. Bowers , retrieving the diaries , drawings , and letters that revealed the epic story of their fate .
20 Over the 400 miles , that produced a total cost of £3.80 .
21 Peter Calvocoressi has described the principle of Enigma as succinctly as it is possible to do : ‘ The Enigma was an encyphering machine that produced a highly-variable scramble of the 26 letters of the alphabet by passing electric current through a set of moveable rotors , each of which by its internal electrical connections contributed to the overall scramble . ’
22 When it , and the Government can produce fifty pieces of legislation affecting local government since nineteen seventy nine , I have n't been here since nineteen seventy nine thankfully , so I have to analyze everything , but they always landed our the ma the major ones and , so for example erm , it was the Local government Unit that produced the initial response of the Poll Tax , what strategy the Council should adopt er , the Council wo n't distance approach , we wanted to make it clear that the Poll Tax was a Government erm , it was a Government initiative and it was being forcedly on us and that was the way , did that effect it , that was a guided and then there was the nineteen eight nine local Government Housing Act , which I 'm sure many of you .
23 She rested after lunch and then a taxi took her up to Hampstead and a shop that sold a certain kind of ethnic clothes not available elsewhere .
24 In the mid eighties , the group started to expand into out-of-town superstores that sold a full range of furniture , bedding and furnishings , as well as carpets .
25 Though not a Leveller sympathizer , he sat as a leading London Independent on the committee that drafted the second Agreement of the People .
26 I was watching from a deck chair by the pool of my health club , on the top floor of a highrise that provided a panoramic view of all Paris .
27 The interests that provided a consistent source of inspiration throughout his career , botany and oriental art , developed while he was still at the School of Design .
28 Rank , however , seems to have been taken unawares by a move that provided a disastrous demonstration of how ineffective he was in protecting the interests of the American companies .
29 And that created a slight sort of canary-hopping attitude to policy-making which I do n't think was very good and in the end I think Mrs Thatcher felt the same .
30 The relationships that created a particular kind of community were real enough , but Warming resisted the temptation to regard the community as a kind of super-organism with a life of its own .
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