Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
2 Meanwhile , a second Iraqi ship has tried to breach the U N trade embargo imposed against Iraq : earlier today a British warship , H M S Battleaxe , fired warning shots across the bows of one vessel that failed to stop for a cargo inspection .
3 Fourteen trade cards issued by London undertakers during the period c.1680 to c.1760 survive , and as none indicate any other craft-affiliation it must be assumed that they were able to furnish from stock all that went to provide for a funeral .
4 The ‘ Fouchet plan ’ that ensued called for a summit every four months ; for foreign , defence and education ministers to meet regularly ; and for a special secretariat .
5 So the story , the dearly-bought exclusive , the story that had looked for a moment — just a moment — like Christine Keeler Mark 2 arrived on the desk of Sir David English , Pamella 's last editor .
6 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
7 Then three years ago , she lost her hearing and seemed destined for a life of isolation before she underwent the operation .
8 Then he frowned and seemed to consider for a moment .
9 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
10 She reached into the Mini and lifted out her bag and began to rummage for a pen and paper .
11 The library arts college student is definitely scheduled for supervised reading periods and permitted to ask for a class meeting whenever he feels his readings have failed to answer questions .
12 The executive of the 1922 Committee met at the home of its chairman , Edward du Cann , on October 14 , and decided to press for a leadership election .
13 We consider what old fishing boats , and even vessels that were not specially made for fishing , can be adapted and sent to fish for a year or two .
14 Lady Selvedge and Mrs Grandison arrived at Victoria Station on the day of the bazaar shortly after noon , and proceeded to look for a place where they might have lunch , or luncheon , as they called it .
15 He brought in colleague Brian McGowan as his partner and went looking for an acquisition vehicle .
16 The stricken suitor followed the tradition laid down in these matters and went to look for a fight .
17 Mr. Lennis sent for me and said that Mr. Andrew was feeling run down , and had gone for a cruise in one of the ships , the Emily T. I kept expecting a letter or a postcard from him , but nothing came .
18 John Mumford had been a curate in the Church of England with a significant ministry and had gone for a year 's sabbatical to California .
19 Styling himself ‘ Dr. Isaac Titford ’ , he had been commissioned surgeon ( not by any means so prestigious a profession then as now ) in the first battalion , Sixtieth Royal American Regiment , and had lived for a while in Virginia ; he was also giving his enterprising spirit full reign out there in the West Indies , fathering the odd quadroon or two , dabbling in the slave trade , a postmaster at Spanish Town , a partner in a firm of druggists in Kingston and the owner of a coffee and pimento plantation .
20 He had thrown aside his own robe then , and had stood for a moment looking down at her , the firelight playing over his body , and Grainne had felt her senses tumble , for surely , oh surely there had never been anything so beautiful and so strong …
21 He had gone then to the Syrian Embassy and had applied for a visa for himself , for his English-born wife , for his two daughters .
22 The airfield 's codename was " Vino " and was near Epernay , the only thing I can remember of that occasion was that we got lost and had to ask for a radio steer from the ground station , We were anxious to get back there because the next evening Gracie Fields was performing for the troops in a local theatre , Of the visit to Prague ( which we never found ) .
23 We had spent an hour or two in the hraun and had stopped for a rest when a huge white-tailed eagle came flying past .
24 They were local women and had joined for a job , but they were grandmotherly in a way , just the sort of people the younger girls needed .
25 She closed the drawer and stood thinking for a moment , then she moved into the drawing-room and rang for the maid .
26 ‘ And it came as a bit of a shock when Roger bought me some anti-wrinkle cream and volunteered to pay for a face-lift if I ever wanted one !
27 Urged on by their riders with short metal-tipped bamboo rods , the elephants lowered themselves slowly to their knees , facing towards the throne , and remained kneeling for a minute or two , their trunks curling and swaying in front of them in time with the cacophonous music .
28 I paid her for the call , and stayed chatting for a while , answering her queries about the cottage and then telling her of my brother 's expected arrival , and the possibility that he might telephone with a message .
29 He reached it without mishap but had to wait for a while , watching the day begin , until the ferrymaster arrived .
30 Eventually , well into the afternoon , we found the route — but had to wait for a couple who pushed in front claiming they were ‘ HVS climbers ’ and would not take long .
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