Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
2 A good churchman , he is a Church Warden — but of a church that ceased to exist in the late 18th century .
3 The moon was high overhead — a bright , full moon that seemed to float in the dark mirror of the water .
4 ‘ Primarily , it was attacking that extraordinary wave of nostalgia that seemed to occur in the early and mid-Sixties for how great it was in the war .
5 Nonetheless , working in the artificial intelligence centres that began to open in the 1950s and 1960s , computer scientists began to make progress of a sort .
6 The picture that began to emerge in the early 1980s was not encouraging .
7 The two main rivals that began to emerge in the early 1980s were Thomson , the traditional market leader , and Intasun , a fast growing holiday and leisure group of companies .
8 The Masterpiece , a collection of folklore about the body and its functions , was probably the single most popular source of information on sex relations and childbirth , and the continuing publication of this work was possibly the last remnant of a much stronger popular demand and usage that began to grow in the nineteenth century with increasing literate audiences demanding knowledge .
9 A band like that survived because of the existence of indie labels that kept going in the Eighties even though many of their major acts like The Smiths , and now The Fall and Blue Aeroplanes , deserted them for the majors .
10 Despite occasional lapses ( like the 100kg of highly enriched uranium that went missing in the early 1960s from a factory in Pennsylvania ) the system has not failed catastrophically .
11 The British Shorthair , descended from generations of felines that struggled to survive in the bleak climate of their island home , is stocky and sturdy and much more massive in build than , say , the lean-bodied Siamese from the steamy heat of Bangkok .
12 Well St Aldate 's in the Civil War is quite a problem to talk about really , erm in half an hour , because it 's so enmeshed in the story of Oxford in the Civil War which is a long , very interesting one , so what I 'm going to try and do is erm to pick out some of the local landmarks that did survive in the 17th century and relate them to what we know about some of the people and in this short half an hour , just try and picture what it was like to live in St Aldate 's during the civil war .
13 The deluge of letters that continued to arrive in the Social Work Department eventually made personal replies an impossible task for the Department .
14 Now in a short time he would be gone , and the era that had begun in the 1960S with the triumvirate of Harold Wilson , George Brown and myself would be at an end .
15 In the long wake of a critical career that had begun in the 1930s avowedly in imitation of Richards and Empson and which ended with his death at the age of 83 , his final achievement of style was above all to create , for a time , a compelling image of himself .
16 As she crossed the street towards the far corner by the church entrance , the young woman was careful to step over the littering of prawn shells and orange peel , fish tails and broken heads of artichoke that had accumulated in the numerous depressions afforded by the badly laid cobbles .
17 Both the Board of Education and Ministry of Health were acutely sensitive on this issue , given the controversy that had raged in the 1930s over the issue of child malnutrition and ill health .
18 In translating the original constant price figure for the department that had appeared in the public expenditure White Paper into the new cash limit figure , the Treasury estimated the likely price and wage increases for the year ahead .
19 On the morning of Tuesday , 3 April 1934 , at 7.40 a.m. , the workers marched into the yard to the skirl of the pipes and began to clean away the rust and the nests of rooks that had appeared in the giant skeleton of the hull as it lay neglected during years of depression .
20 It was a song she 'd heard many times in the past , one that had stayed in the popular charts for months .
21 Stenhouse 's proposal was in marked contrast , not only to Hoyle 's , but , for different reasons , to the tradition of curriculum development that had developed in the 1960s , both in the UK and the USA .
22 The Brett-Jones Report , eleven years later , reiterated and reinforced the principal points of the Wells and Eve Reports , and recognised the enormous changes that had occurred in the intervening years .
23 And yet many of the attitudes towards the outside world that had flourished in the Tsarist period still play a role in Soviet and now post-Soviet foreign policy today .
24 In these circumstances , many of the different philosophical perspectives that had flourished in the nineteenth century were able to update themselves and remain viable in the new age of professional specialization .
25 In the silence of his shelter he was finally letting the true sorrow he felt for all that had happened in the last months come into him , and he was beginning to grieve .
26 She was wearing a halter dress the colour of flame that had wilted in the first hour .
27 His father 's body that had lain in the great lead-lined stone coffin there for forty years was reverently removed and buried below the flagstones inside the chapel , which was hung with black , and the old man was told that all was ready for him .
28 The child climbed out of the cab and became caught in the unguarded pto of the attached implement .
29 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
30 Mr Kronweiser sprang into his earlier stance of crouching flabby tiger , then with a deprecatory smile he relaxed stiffly and began rummaging in the top drawer .
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