Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , notice need not be given where the defendant does not appear , or where in a fixed date action he has failed to deliver a defence in time .
2 or if on the few occasions that someone gets married , they hold a night .
3 The execution of the letters rogatory might be refused only if the authenticity of the document was not established ; or if in the requested State its execution was not included within ‘ the attributes of judicial power ’ ; or if the request infringed the sovereignty or security of the requested State .
4 Sometimes it has to be abandoned for convenience or because of a changed lifestyle .
5 There are real arbitrage opportunities and these remain because of institutional inertia , the inexperience of traders in a new market , or because of an insufficient volume of arbitrage transactions to move prices to their no-arbitrage levels , possibly due to an inadequate supply of arbitrage capital .
6 Sometimes enzymes used for degradation of a target contaminant are not induced by the presence of the pollutant , either because the concentration is too low or because of the xenobiotic nature of the compound .
7 Whether because of the easing of the general supply situation , or because of the improved coordination , the delays in completing power stations were progressively reduced in the 1950s , with completion on average nearly eleven months behind pessimistic schedules in the early 1950s but down to eight months by the mid-1950s .
8 These apply in some contracts made by minors and generally where because of a special relationship , one party is able to take unfair advantage of another .
9 Sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether a statement relates only to the future and therefore can not infringe section 14 or whether on the other hand it relates partly or entirely to some past or present fact .
10 Whether to you know sort of try and pick up the guys who are getting thrown out of Heathrow and make a long-term go of it or whether in the long term , em , they want to flog it off for gravel and you know mining it for gravel and sending it for houses and you know , that sort of thing .
11 This is in part because different investigators have held different ideas as to the independence or otherwise of the different sub-types of dyspraxia or as to the essential nature of the various defects .
12 10.2 No representation is made or warranty given by the Landlord as to whether any Restrictions exist or as to the permitted use of the Site or the Premises for planning purposes
13 Hence if doubts arise as to what the rules are or as to the precise scope of some given rule , there will be no procedure for settling this doubt , either by reference to an authoritative text or to an official whose declarations on this point are authoritative .
14 But I do n't think most people , er , would necessarily consider it than now on the European side , they might consider .
15 They say that although to a certain extent the cuts were expected , moral is still very low .
16 I feel that although on the modern piano we may lose a few colours , we ultimately gain more : a wider expressive range , increased dynamics , the possibility to suggest a full orchestra , and much greater ability to permit cantabile in the higher region of the instrument .
17 Voluntary organisations , as Diana and her colleagues said , should have the confidence to suggest that although under the right conditions and with the right resources , er , they may be able to do the impossible , miracles are not on offer .
18 It has also to be remembered that although in the early years of the twentieth century , the advanced countries of the western European industrial ‘ base ’ ( Great Britain , Germany , France , Belgium and Luxembourg ) still provided the bulk of European production , industry was growing in other countries .
19 It is curious that although in the nineteenth century the historical picture was the most prestigious , and the anecdotal picture the most popular , it is the scientific illustration-birds , flowers , ships , steam-engines , and great buildings such as railway stations — which catch and hold our attention and admiration .
20 That stance was supported by the university 's rector , the rock musician Donnie Munro , who said that although in an ideal world he would hope such a sale would not be necessary , there may be little alternative .
21 It may be noted that although throughout the preceding period the vast proportion of the nation 's building costs was being spent on war damage repairs and reinstatement , an activity in which building and quantity surveyors provided invaluable service , the building surveyor made no impact within the Institution at this time .
22 The Chancellor of the Exchequer will expect to be a member of the Cabinet Committee considering important legislation in any field , including criminal justice , although if at a particular meeting the main Treasury interest lies in resource costs the Chief Secretary to the Treasury might go in his place .
23 And this means that if on the same grounds I claim today to know that it will rain in the afternoon , I must continue to assert that I knew yesterday that it would rain that afternoon ( in the teeth of the evidence ) .
24 It is that wherever Parliament in an earlier statute has directed its attention to an individual case and has made provision for it unambiguously , there arises a presumption that if in a subsequent statute the legislature lays down a general principle , that general principle is not to be taken as meant to rip up what the legislature had before provided for individually , unless an intention to do so is specially declared .
25 Nevertheless , it is possible that if in the manager-owner contract nexus the manager bears little risk , this may spill over into a lack of control over employees .
26 ‘ Mr Major has made clear that if after an exhaustive debate the Scottish people want a divorce then there is no way they can be kept in the union against their will .
27 I actually believe that one of the areas where the Catholic Church did a lot of damage , is that because of a celibate clergy this obsession with sex has exaggerated it too much .
28 In the company 's defence , the NRA said that because of a regional water shortage , less water had been used by the plant , at the request of the local water authority .
29 The shocking true story of Alison Gertz who , at the age of 22 , learns that because of a one-night stand she is now dying of Aids .
30 He had not eaten anything apart from the occasional so-called mash since the crops had died and he had only been allowed that because of a special emergency food supplies being sent in from other parts of the country .
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