Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Whether the regular occurrence of such ‘ incidents ’ demonstrates the inherent risks of nuclear power or whether their containment emphasises the security of reactor safety systems will be debated ad nauseam over the coming nine months .
2 It 's not common practice to register notice of a contract in all cases , but when , for example , there 's an unusually long deferred completion date , or when your buyer-client suspects the good faith of the seller , or if there is a contract by correspondence , or for any other special reason peculiar to the particular transaction , a Notice should be seriously considered and the client consulted and advised .
3 My conclusion is that if your teenager has the temperament and enthusiasm for an expedition type of holiday , and if your purse will stretch to it , you should go for it — but choose the organisation carefully .
4 As an example close to home , it would be a sanction much more powerful than an SEC if , as head of audit of my firm , I was called in to that panel to be told that if my firm wanted the institutional shareholders to vote their proxies in favour of our being reappointed auditors to this or that company , we would have to mend our ways in some respect .
5 In both circumstances the deaf minority have to struggle to participate in community life if their contributions do not sound like English and if their failure to understand the interlanguage interpretation is put down to their poor general knowledge or low mental ability .
6 Once arrested , a youth , for instance , is more likely to be defined as a juvenile delinquent if his manner is interpreted as aggressive and uncooperative , if his appearance is seen as unconventional or slovenly , if his speech is defined as ungrammatical or slang and if his posture gives the impression of disrespect for authority or arrogance .
7 He made love to her with a driving desperation that matched the excesses which were to shock her in retrospect , and if his flesh bore the imprint of her nails and teeth afterwards , there were faint reciprocal marks on her body , mostly the legacy of an erotically suckling mouth .
8 And while they played in the barn and while their mother sang the girl found something behind the haystack .
9 ‘ Once she had the key , and whilst her husband signed the formalities , she was to go up to her room , put the handbag containing the Tongue — and money , pearls , and so on — on a ledge as near as possible to a door which was going to be left deliberately ajar .
10 And when her body rejected the organs brave Kelly faced death with a dignity and understanding that few adults ever achieve .
11 when you first saw the house for the very , very first time and when your wife saw the house , what was the reaction ?
12 And when our constable makes the rounds , interviewing her daughter 's friends , what do they do ?
13 Joe slipped on the snowy slope as he neared him , and when his hand touched the man 's chin above the collar of his rough jacket and felt the sticky wetness on his fingers , he sprang up as if he had been stung by a hornet .
14 Light though his touch was , she found it infinitely exciting and when his fingertip reached the centre of her lips , she opened them and felt his finger on her tongue .
15 As Henry turned away and walked down the room Reginald bellowed with laughter ; and when his brother reached the door he shouted , ‘ Happy Christmas !
16 A daze of bliss engulfed her , and as her hand encountered the back of his head her fingers fondled the hair at the nape .
17 But if your dad switches the light on for anything
18 She smiled at the baker too , rather warmly , not for the sake of Saturday 's bread bought cheap on Mondays but because his wife detested the Irish in general and that " bold , brazen strumpet from the top of St Jude's ' very much in particular .
19 But whereas her father earned the respect of his people by staying in London throughout the Blitz , the Queen has few positive personal achievements to show for her four decades on the throne .
20 Its contents were still very much in doubt when Cottle reached Alfoxden ; but before his visit ended the famous title had been chosen , and the decision made that the volume should begin with ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ and include ‘ sundry shorter poems ’ of Wordsworth 's , most of them written since the beginning of the year .
21 Margaret Thatcher 's distaste for royal commissions is well known , but when her government faced the most serious foreign policy misjudgement of recent years — the failure to predict and forestall the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands — it was time to send for Oliver Franks again .
22 But as my mouth framed the words the little man looked down at me appealingly as though he knew what I was going to say .
23 Pliny intended to try and evacuate people living on the coast immediately beneath the volcano , in the area which is now Torre del Greco , but as his galley approached the coast it was showered with hot ashes and sizeable lumps of pumice from the volcano .
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