Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But I am not you , and except for the shadow-elms I see little evidence of genesis from you — you are moving too fast , perhaps .
2 The nuclear programme , because of its sudden appearance and because of the passions it arouses , has encountered its greatest obstacle in people .
3 And because of the points I mentioned earlier .
4 Writing of the Salon des Indépendants of 1914 , Apollinaire saw another influence at work : ‘ This year Futurism has begun to invade the Salon , and whereas from the reproductions they publish , the Italian Futurists appear to be ever more strongly influenced by the innovators of Paris ( Picasso and Braque ) , it would seem that a certain number of Parisian artists are being influenced by Futurist theories . ’
5 A high turnover of newcomers does not have a serious effect on the community if a substantial group of native families remain rooted in the same spot , but if over the years it is the oldest families that are emigrating then the parish structure will be unstable .
6 He knew this not just because Uncle Titch said he had — you could n't believe anything a grown-up told you , and Uncle Titch belonged to the world of grown-ups even if he was n't — but because of the tricks he could do .
7 The real argument is not how a doctor 's conduct can be characterized , but whether under the circumstances he has fulfilled his duty to the patient to care for him in good faith .
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