Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
2 It can be more difficult when an elderly couple differ themselves as to what they wish to do , or if members of the family disagree .
3 Whilst there is no way at present to test whether this bacteria is carried , or if immunity to the toxin is low , awareness of the problem can minimize the risk , or the decision to use the tampon can be taken .
4 Whether because British engineers lack business vision , or because prejudices in the City of London , only financial entrepreneurs seem able to raise the backing to run companies like Norton .
5 The superpowers have seen the conflict as a function of their own struggle , and seen regional contestants either as friends or as surrogates of the enemy .
6 But unsatisfactory in what respect : as representatives of a body established to negotiate on behalf of employees with management acting on behalf of owners ; or as representatives of the union but charged , along with representatives of the owners , with the corporate responsibility for the performance of the enterprise ?
7 More recent interpretations of religion as illusory self-projection ( Sigmund Freud ) or as expressions of the structure and self-understanding of human society ( Emile Durkheim ) owe a great deal to Feuerbach , in whom the broad lines are already laid down .
8 Other exceptional items should be disclosed in the notes , except where disclosure in the profit and loss account is necessary to give a true and fair view .
9 ‘ I should explain that although part of the letter was dictated by the kidnappers , most of it was written by my father .
10 For framework knitters in the hosiery manufacture of the east Midlands , their historian William Felkin described a golden age lasting from 1755 to 1785 , but a more recent authority has suggested that although knitters by the time of Luddism 's outbreak in 1811 looked back to pre-war wages of 10 to 12s ( 50-60p ) for plain work and up to 30s ( £1.50 ) for skilled , they were generally prosperous down to 1809 .
11 Erm I think as Mr said , there does seem to be a fair degree of erm consensus around the table with the exception of that er a location in the Leeds York corridor would be less likely to serve the needs of of erm of York than than location on the north side .
12 And though the kitchen was small , it had an adjoining storeroom that provided Helen with the opportunity of creating a utility area .
13 Whilst in most cases offenders rarely have the funds to provide victim compensation , this legislation is intended to ensure that if money in the form of literary profits is available , it be preserved for the victim .
14 He warned that if war in the west should break out , Polish neutrality — guaranteed by treaty with Germany — would end abruptly .
15 Anson well knew that if control of the Channel was lost all was lost and on 5 April he assured the king that his fleet , with 30 ships of the line , would by the following month outnumber the French , with their 27 warships between Brest and Rochefort .
16 Article 235 , on the other hand , provides that if action by the Community should prove necessary to attain , in the course of the operation of the Common Market , one of the objectives of the Community ( and this treaty has not provided the necessary powers ) , the Council shall , acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Parliament , take the appropriate measures .
17 Newton discovered that if light from the sun passes through a triangular-shaped piece of glass , called a prism , it breaks up into its component colours ( its spectrum ) as in a rainbow .
18 A ‘ self-interest ’ explanation would suggest that whereas solidarity for the strike call to defend jobs and the future of pits would obtain strong support in the peripheral areas with relatively bleak futures , it would be harder to sustain in the central profitable coalfields of Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire .
19 If you have read chapters 6 and 7 , it can not have escaped your notice that whereas research into the recognition and comprehension of single words has centred around detailed theories which attempt to provide a comprehensive description of all aspects of single word processing , research into the comprehension of sentences and discourse is much more fragmented .
20 Renberg and Hellberg ( 1982 ) , for example , analysed diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores in south-west Sweden and found that since deglaciation of the area about 12,500 years ago , the pH of the lakes had decreased from about 7 to about 6 due to natural long-term oligotrophication and acidification .
21 Pace , in a cogent criticism of Parker J. 's judgment , argues that while consistency in the law may have its merits , there are limits to the extent to which it should be pursued :
22 It is clear that while use of the correspondence principle is always possible in theory considerable computational effort may be needed to obtain applicable results .
23 This suggests that while entry to the eurobond market is easy , it is more difficult for a firm to establish itself as a dominant player .
24 The law might be seen to seek a balance between paternalism and liberation , accepting that whilst advancement of the autonomy interests of children to make their own decisions in respect of their own lives is an appropriate aim of the law , some restrictions are necessary to enable children to progress safely to maturity .
25 Moreover , though he devotes several pages to a description of the work done in these oil refineries , Gallie does not address the question of whether the technology itself differs in the French as compared to the British plants , nor whether details of the work organisation itself differ in a non-random way between the two countries .
26 Prime was born in the early 1970s , structured around the PrimOS operating system , which was developed on Honeywell Inc minicomputer hardware under a government contract , which meant that when people on the development team wanted to take it into the commercial world , they were able to buy the operating system for a nominal sum , and developed a new processor optimised to run it to create the 50 Series , the customer base for which will now be subject to a flock of companies wanting to win users over to their open systems .
27 ‘ There is no question , ’ this view continues , ‘ that when animals in the sea are harvested we shorten their life .
28 What gave legitimacy to these companies was the theory that as creatures of the state they were supervised and regulated by the state .
29 They have acknowledged that the West German economy is by far the strongest in Europe and that as members of the exchange rate mechanism their interest rates are already affected by the Bundesbank 's decisions .
30 The court found that as practice by the defendant as a consultant could not injure the plaintiffs ' professional business , the clause was too wide in that it sought to encompass activities in which the plaintiffs did not have a legitimate interest .
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