Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally , hormonal disturbance , particularly of the thyroid gland , may lead to a slowing down or speeding up of the metabolic rate .
2 For instance , how many people have watched a woman carrying a load of shopping and a three year old child , or cleaning up after an incontinent elderly relation , and still been able to maintain that some jobs are too heavy and dirty for women ?
3 ( b ) in requiring the measurement or weighing up of an historical problem .
4 The third common explanation suggested that growing up in a white racist society and with few positive black public images created low self-esteem and self-concept in black children which in turn led to poor performance in schools .
5 As a result , their efforts were diverted more towards devising non-custodial alternatives than facing up to the intractable problems of institutional confinement .
6 ‘ You know , Frank , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm going to take a great delight in telling her , much more so than facing up to the big boy himself , because she it is who has paved the way for all this . ’
7 The times they are a-changing , however , and the Church is doing no more than facing up to the inevitable , as did the Anglicans as long ago as 1968 .
8 Laura sighed , leaning back on the hard bench and gazing up at the overcast sky .
9 Heaven knows what pollution of the ocean is occurring in the form of emission of radionuclides , and building up in the various food chains in which plankton play a part .
10 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
11 Who 's been gossiping to you about her running away with the married man when she was fifteen and ending up in the Daily Record ?
12 In general , they tend to follow a more or less logical sequence , starting at the top with a headline ( assuming it is there ) and ending up in the bottom right-hand corner .
13 There are three basic considerations : ( 1 ) the need to avoid the consequences of a dissolution and winding up of the whole business ; ( 2 ) the need to define the circumstances in which leaving the partnership is permitted or made compulsory ; and ( 3 ) the need to anticipate the financial and administrative consequences of the departure of members of the firm .
14 The King is seen exchanging an earthly crown for a crown of thorns and looking up towards a heavenly crown
15 Other scullions were running in with ladders and lengths of rope , climbing up on to the big stove and scrambling up to the messy lip of the vat in which , judging by the amount of splashing and screaming , the small attendant still survived .
16 All of the administrative systems developed on behalf of the modular course have been designed and tested in-house , beginning with a simple program for pre-enrolment information and student progress on a microcomputer in 1972 and leading up to the large and sophisticated management system described in Chapter 7 .
17 If I stand at the window ( which I am not going to do ) I can see a small fat man with a trilby hat , a British warm and what looks like a binocular case , standing down below on the other side of the road and peering up with an anxious concentration at this battered , paint-peeling semi-circle of so-called Mansion Flats .
18 This unthreatening introduction into discussing a marital difficulty and an explanation that a combination of therapy approaches , that is managing the child and facing up to the marital disagreements , is likely to be most effective and help the parents understand the link .
19 And facing up to the Italian job , Aberdeen reflect on what might have been .
20 And in addition to that , of course , they have copper , and coming up on the future horizon cobalt , and erm the possibilities of developing tourism on quite a big scale , as they were beginning to do in the nineteen sixties before Amin Amin took over .
21 This error is like climbing below a col , and coming up on the wrong side of it .
22 Then she turned and walked towards the deep end , turned again and did a perfect back flip , hardly denting the surface and coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me .
23 In the sitting-room , Millie was standing on a chair and reaching up towards the upper panes of the window .
24 At half past midnight , Springfield drew the council of war to a close by pushing back his chair and standing up behind the big desk , where he had been sitting flanked by Grant and Deputy Fenton .
25 The pink lacy curtain had been slowly turning green and rolling up into a thin worm , studded with tiny thorns , that hung in mid-air .
26 Mike Cairns , director of the charity , said that elderly dementia sufferers were subject to a variety of methods of restraint ranging from the crude tying-down and locking up of the elderly to the more subtle use of drugs .
27 Still , she liked one or two of the collective , Xanthe had put some money in ( actually five hundred pounds , a fair whack ) when Miranda had asked her to , so she felt bound to give the paper some support in kind , and the office was fun — she liked pitching in with headings , sidebars , suggested stories , and pasting up till the small hours , with the help of ciggies and carafe wine ; the sex gossip was the best in town , which made up for the coffee ( though they could afford dope , they could n't rise to real coffee , and had at one time even resorted to the bitter brown syrup Camp , with the turbaned lascar on the label ) .
28 Hidden among the scrubland by a woody lake were the tiny flowers of yellow winter aconite , and thrusting up through the muddy ground beneath an urban hedge a delicacy of white snowdrops .
29 We rarely get out at night , because keeping up with the little fella leaves us dog-tired .
30 And as the dignitaries stiffly walked towards their jeeps and their ride home we prepared again for battle : to film , photograph , and record sound , while keeping up with the uproarious final procession to the cliffs .
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