Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To fill in the travelling time chant leaders are actively engaged in trying out new versions of old chants or making them up from scratch .
2 Whether exposing a bent cop in the system , comforting the widow of a colleague , or shooting it out with drug peddlers in downtown LA , he administered the covenant in Gun Law .
3 People really do have to understand the trauma we are talking about with moving people out of homes , the trauma that moving them out for refurbishment is bad enough .
4 For some it will be too late to fully recover more creative ways of asking the world to help them find what they need , rather than taking it brutally by theft , rape , or murder .
5 Since the Duke supported Constantine 's claim he may well have brought Bertrand to Normandy on the theory that it was safer than leaving him behind to foment trouble .
6 That is , they were conscious of the rule , and rather than following it out of obligation , they were using it for their own benefit , as a sort of ‘ officializing ’ or ‘ universalizing ’ strategy in order to ‘ cloak themselves in legitimation ’ .
7 As one group member said : ‘ What I 'd like to see happening is this room set up with the computer and using it regularly to type up the notes from our meetings . ’
8 When they were n't running across it , cheered on by the headmaster , they were snipping bits off it and bringing them back to school to put in jars .
9 We knew that they were testing them , and checking it over and bringing it up to standard , but we did n't know anything about it other than that !
10 Hence philosophical analysis can and must proceed by erm philosophical thinking must proceed by analysis , by breaking down complex wholes into their simple parts and building them up by construction out of these simple parts , a conviction to which Russell remained true for the rest of his life .
11 It 's very , it 's deceptive if you 're not working out what you 're doing and relating it back to the graph , and relating it back to physics , to an experiment you 're doing , someone 's checking the clock every second to see how much further it 's gone .
12 Or is this yet another example of the Government and their supporters talking up human rights in theory and knocking them down in practice ?
13 Nonesuch reverts to its old function , keeping the University as a whole together , telling graduates what is going on in their old alma mater , and keeping them up to date with what their contemporaries are doing .
14 The reason for storing data and keeping it up to date is to provide information to managers for decisions .
15 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
16 It was still dark the following morning when we were woken up by a screaming Corporal who came in , kicking the lockers and pushing us out of bed .
17 It was it was fun when we first started , because the weather was nice , you know it was er you c take a thermos up and have a picnic and sit in the chair and read a book or whatever if there was no one around , but after a while when it became a duty , yeah it was hard work getting up on a winter 's morning , knowing full well that you probably would n't see any cars if you down in until about ten in the morning , but you still had to be there at seven o'clock , and honking it down with rain or whatever .
18 When you replace the receiver after calling them , you get caught up at once by all the other pressing demands on your time , while they , in some cases , may be left sitting in a silent room , turning over everything you have said , and sifting it eagerly for confirmation of your real affection and concern for them .
19 The process of endorsing Notes and passing them on to pay for goods or services from business to business is still quite common .
20 Then I would be an artisan , quietly learning my trade at the feet of a master and passing it on in turn to my apprentices .
21 Yes , we need to brush up on , on analysing our problems before they get worse and getting them back into shape using our organized , organizing skills and teamwork .
22 They settled on NASA , the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , which had the reputation of having put men on the moon and getting them back without accident .
23 It is easy to imagine , then , the labour and skill that would go into making such random — yet precisely required — holes in the metal and punching them out by hand .
24 Just look at that ( stabbing a piece and holding it up in mid-air ) .
25 The cost to a superior involves the humbling experience of admitting limits , further undercutting the status differentials captured in organizational hierarchy and calling them further into question .
26 That we can not cope with another child , that we are not ready for parenthood , that we can not face raising a child without a partner , that we can not afford a child , that our method of birth control failed , that we are the victims of rape , that we can not bear the anguish of carrying a child to term and giving it up for adoption , that we can not accept the responsibility of caring for a handicapped child — these are the reasons why we seek abortion in the vast majority of cases .
27 Fabia was still wondering if she needed to add anything to that when , as a complete switch , and taking her totally off guard , Ven threw the abrupt question , ‘ Are you married ? ’
28 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
29 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
30 The building societies are also under pressure to spend more money buying up empty properties and handing them over for rental .
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