Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally , hormonal disturbance , particularly of the thyroid gland , may lead to a slowing down or speeding up of the metabolic rate .
2 Hastening importantly past are certain to be scores of the varnished wooden launches that are the cabs of Venice , their occupants talking hard inside if they are Venetians , or reclining ecstatically in the open sterns if visitors .
3 At night we gather in the bar before hitting the nightspots of Lloret 's West End , or getting together with the other hotels for a party or disco night .
4 Faithful readers will recall that , despite being bottom of the Banks Group Northern Youth League , the lads had played the entire season without a booking or sending off until the catastrophic 82nd minute of the final game .
5 Everyone in the board room was either clearing his throat , or shifting position in his seat , or doing both at the same time , which is actually rather difficult .
6 Pearn and the members of his staff had started a monthly publication called Burma Today , giving news brought out by men who had gone in with Wingate , photographs taken by army photographers or by RAF planes on patrol , and first-hand accounts by people smuggled out of occupied Burma or coming out from the growing number of liberated areas .
7 Such practices include cultivating on steep slopes so the topsoil runs off when the rains come , or ploughing downhill with the same end result .
8 Walking about at night in the streets of Calcutta and of necessity stepping over emaciated bodies too lethargic to move , or visiting refugee shacks in beautiful Hong Kong , or standing helplessly in the filthy slums of Kampala , always the same agony and anger assailed me as it did on that cold morning in Kiel .
9 Meanwhile , for one glorious day , millions were able to ‘ take action ’ and assuage a whole year 's guilt in one go , by writing a cheque , phoning in a credit card number , or trotting along to the local collection point with cash .
10 By day it 's relaxed with lazy days spent on the beach , sitting in the harbourside bars , or cycling sedately through the beautiful countryside exploring the ancient ruins of this historic island .
11 Soil films probably react differently because of partial oxidation , heat modification or drying out of the uppermost layers , forming a ‘ case hardened ’ skin which protects the body of the soil .
12 But this will have to involve levelling up to the more advantaged rather than levelling down to the lesser , although future benefits can be reduced so long as diminution is applied equally to both sexes .
13 A determined show of political resistance from Mr Yeltsin and his supporters in other republics might help convince many old-fashioned Russian nationalists that hanging on to the Baltic republics is not worth a fight .
14 He is probably right , too , in thinking that she would be far better known in art historical terms had she stayed in France , where her daring move into abstraction was more appreciated , than returning dutifully to the provincial inertia of Dublin .
15 The Gardon was so full of silt ( plus the occasional dead sheep or cow ) that looking down from the third floor of the Pont du Gard it looked more like a flow of molasses than a river .
16 Whether it is more difficult than selling only to the domestic market is a debatable point , but success depends to a large extent on the attitude and approach of the firm and the personal qualities of the salespeople — not every salesperson is suited to such a task from the point of view of understanding and empathy with the foreign market concerned .
17 Sleep is also very important for me , much more than going out to the newest disco or restaurant .
18 One of those kittenish creatures he remembered from the films of his childhood in the Fifties , clad in waist-high , baby-doll nightdresses , women who seemed to enjoy nothing more than lying back among the yellow nylon sheets and allowing themselves to be strangled .
19 Many teachers and heads felt that getting on in the primary sector required verbal and practical allegiance to certain quite specific canons of ‘ good primary practice ’ , and that anything less , let alone any open challenging of the orthodoxies in question , could damage their professional prospects .
20 Most people in the territories feared the PLO was in danger of rushing into some unsatisfactory settlement rather than holding out for the right conditions .
21 As a result , their efforts were diverted more towards devising non-custodial alternatives than facing up to the intractable problems of institutional confinement .
22 ‘ You know , Frank , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm going to take a great delight in telling her , much more so than facing up to the big boy himself , because she it is who has paved the way for all this . ’
23 The times they are a-changing , however , and the Church is doing no more than facing up to the inevitable , as did the Anglicans as long ago as 1968 .
24 Looking up at the north-facing slope ahead you would see snow and ice and you would tremble , but you would know that coming down on the other side , you would walk in sunshine , through green grass and sweet-smelling flowers .
25 And why did the band have to choose that precise moment to play a waltz so that , rather than dancing apart in the modern way , he was drawing her closer , moulding her to the lean , taut length of him ?
26 A sociological perspective implies exploring the relationship between what is perceived as ‘ good ’ ( or ‘ healthy ’ ) and ‘ bad ’ ( or ‘ unhealthy ’ ) , rather than focussing exclusively on the latter at the expense of the former .
27 The above indicates that there is far more to negotiating than sitting down opposite the other party and trying to bargain .
28 The court file will record that setting down within the prescribed period if it takes place .
29 Standing stork-like and hanging on to the various bathroom fittings , she cleaned her teeth and made a reasonable toilet .
30 Tom had meanwhile dug up his turnips , and set to work hedging , digging ditches and helping out with the other farms , when the extra labour was needed .
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