Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pron] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And it , it is n't a personal thing on his part it 's no not going shopping or driving her here there and everywhere because he he , he , he er er he does n't want to it 's just that he 's incap he will be incapable of doing it .
2 THERE is nothing more humiliating than loving him so much that you forgive the infidelities .
3 So while it is a good idea to move in on all your slow payers as quickly as possible , it is an even better idea to concentrate your efforts on your biggest accounts first rather than spreading them more thinly and less effectively over all your customers .
4 All of this involved taking both parents ’ sex cells with their half-complement of DNA signals in the chromosomes , and bringing them together so that the cells could clamp on to each other and start dividing and growing .
5 ‘ Nothing , ’ Lucy said , taking another chair from by the wall and bringing it over so that she could sit facing him across the desk .
6 Then he lay down again carefully , putting his hand and arm on the far side of the body and easing himself down so that he was partly lying on Patrick , his trunk upon his trunk , his legs upon his legs , and , as he supported himself on his arms , his face just above the skeleton face .
7 This means starting the record at about 33rpm , and speeding it up gradually as the stylus travels in .
8 He laughed softly , the wind catching the low rumble of sound and tossing it around so that for a moment the very air seemed to be filled with it .
9 While I was n't exactly happy about this , it was interesting to see what happened ; the tip of the Plexaurelia branch which had landed in the mushroom polyps developed blister-like clear vesicles , the whole animal kept inflating and deflating itself more frequently than usual , and after about a week collapsed completely .
10 The days of leaving one 's brains at the front gate and picking them up again when one leaves are firmly in the past .
11 But whatever the reason behind it , if there was a reason and it was n't simply someone shaking up names in a box and picking one out here and there , it was like banging your head against a brick wall to attempt to fight against Movement Orders — here she was and she had to make the best of it .
12 The one who was sharing Tony 's bed — and sharing it so enthusiastically that neither of them heard Folly 's approaching footsteps until she walked right into the room .
13 She felt him tense , then he was tipping up her face and kissing her very slowly and with a thoroughness that left her head reeling .
14 Packing them up nice you know and chocking them tight so as they would n't shift you see , when the ship was rolling .
15 First , because farmers have paid a lot of attention to improving the quality of their output and doing it as efficiently as possible , but have not taken time to tell the consumer and the general public about the efforts that have been made .
16 I enjoyed Richard who was a casual , almost brutal lover , his desire rising and spending itself as impatiently as mine , so that I did not have to suffer all that tedious , preliminary business of fondling and stroking , and I enjoyed my baby , which surprised me as I had not expected to .
17 She also talked of naked greed , although it takes a curious kind of logic to see the deprived as greedy while company directors were awarding themselves large pay increases and the ‘ yuppies ’ in the city were making a great deal of money and spending it as conspicuously as possible .
18 In addition to such new network technology , there are also techniques of solving band width problems by compressing data before transferring it and decompressing it afterwards so that it can be displayed in its entirety for the information user .
19 However , an outside developer has expressed a serious interest in taking over the A-listed building and running it as both as a commercial mill and as a tourist attraction .
20 The roofs were most often not their own : long since , the community had drawn in from its perimeter , sharing its water , its food and its warmth , and distancing itself so far as might be from the walls and the thud of the cannon .
21 Most of the information I 've got is about residential homes and that is because Social Work Services Group is an awful lot better at pulling together statistics and putting them out again than the Scottish Home and Health Department .
22 Perhaps that was why she worked the hours she did in the most gruelling part of the hospital , picking up the pieces — literally , sometimes — and putting them back together if possible , consoling distraught relatives if not .
23 I kept seeing her slamming into the car , and lying in the road , and then I saw all those black nuns floating round her and lifting her up so that her head lolled back , and I was there , wanting to say I was sorry , and her eyes were open and blank and staring right through me .
24 It was probably whilst flying high over an approaching enemy that one Goblin got a bit carried away , and steering himself as best as he could with his crude wings , crashed right down onto the enemy army .
25 A Corporal had given me a coathanger and a broom and showed me the Foreign Legion 's way of unblocking a difficult lavatory bowl ; it involved unbending the coathanger , jamming it down the U-bend , and working it vigorously backwards and forwards .
26 The previous two aspects are clearly the main thrusts of RMI but combining them together successfully and reducing negative fall-out within the organisation is , in effect , the third aspect , that of managing the cultural change that new systems will inevitably produce .
27 The plot is complicated even by Agatha Christie standards , but putting it as simply as possible , Mr Smith said a report had never been produced , Mr Major interrupted to say it was in the Commons library , the Labour MP Tam Dalyell said what was there was not a report at all and Tristan Garel-Jones , the Euro Minister , said it sort of was .
28 In Continental Can , the Court ruled that a company which already held a dominant position in the Common Market could be treated as exploiting it abusively so as to infringe Article 86 , if it strengthened its dominance by taking over a competitor .
29 In the Continental Can decision in 1973 the European Court held that a company which already held a dominant position in the Common Market or a substantial part of it could be treated as exploiting it abusively so as to infringe Article 86 , if it moved significantly towards monopoly by taking over a competitor .
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