Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She will recognize that the client is repeating himself or demanding a particular reaction from her .
2 The monograph and exhibition catalogue , broadly discussing the same group of pictures selected from Magritte 's oeuvre , adopt rather different approaches to their subject , and will be favoured , respectively , by a readership enjoying the labyrinthine mind of a great scholar or preferring the clean presentation of information and explanation in a sequence of numbered catalogue entries .
3 His is not an isolated story — to this day many people report hearing or seeing a strange presence on the slopes of the mountain .
4 He returned to his workshop , hoping to bump into him on the way , but arrived without hearing or seeing a single trace of the forgetful scientist .
5 The culmination of abolition in 1806 and 1807 was much less marked by local committee activity and the African Institution did not expend great efforts on recreating or maintaining a national network of local groups .
6 Dearlove considers the whole pressure for increased scale simply as a cover for regaining or maintaining the influential position of business interests in local government ( Dearlove 1979 ) .
7 Before and after this period , subjects also pointed either at an auditory target or using a non-preferred hand in order to identify the mechanism by which this adaptation occurred .
8 On the other hand , the proportions of congenital abnormalities preventable by secondary and tertiary methods are estimates based on research studies of particular conditions ( for example , ad hoc epidemiological studies for measuring the effectiveness of neonatal orthopaedic screening ) , or regions ( for example , those having excellent ultrasound scanning and trained staff for diagnosing structural defects , or using the triple test for detection of Down 's syndrome ) or of expert groups ( for example , specific postnatal treatment and early paediatric surgery ) .
9 You may have used your pitch range ( which was introduced in 15.3 ) in different ways : your pitch movements may have taken place within quite a narrow range ( narrow pitch range ) or using the full range between high and low ( wide pitch range ) ; if you did not use wide pitch range , you may have used different keys : high key ( using the upper part of your pitch range ) , mid key ( using the middle part of the range ) or low key ( the lower part ) .
10 In English this derives from the Latin politia , meaning administration and carries the idea of policing or administering an agreed form of government — protecting the state against the excesses of individuals .
11 what 's harder I wonder swimming , cycling and running for fifty miles or driving a racing car at top speed …
12 If he glances at this , he is able to step quickly over it with a good length stride , without tripping or interrupting the rhythmical pattern of normal walking .
13 An ‘ episode ’ is the name given to the smallest complete unit of teaching — this could be the teacher 's revision of the previous lesson 's work ( revision episode ) or explaining a particular point to the class ( explanation episode ) or coaching an individual child on a problem he is working on ( coaching episode ) , etc .
14 Unlike the Torbay line in 1991 , however , the South Devon Railway had to set about purchasing or hiring a whole fleet of locomotives and rolling stock from its cash surplus after a sale price could not be agreed with the DVR General Manager for certain redundant DVR items .
15 When it came to sleeping on the horrid , plastic bed in the sultry room we had the choice of suffocating in the heat or enduring the groaning clatter of an electric fan , which sounded like the soukoyant flapping her leathery wings , rattling at the unopenable shutters and trying to get in .
16 His work has often incorporated a story-board-like element , smaller ‘ pictures ’ marching in squared-off boxes around the borders of his canvases or forming a predella-like frieze along the bottom .
17 ‘ Most networks still are n't constructed in anticipation of people needing or wanting a plug-in connection for a portable at their desk . ’
18 Norris falls short of isolating or defining the actual end to which Derrida 's scrupulous and rigorous readings are directed .
19 When I see these Islands in sight of each other , & possessed of but a scanty stock of animals , tenanted by these birds , but slightly differing in structure & filling the same place in Nature , I must suspect they are only varieties .
20 The summary of the Webbs ' view is that , by contrast with their model of Socialism , Owen 's scheme — if it could have been carried out — would have done no more than redistribute the capital of the country without altering or superseding the capitalist system in the least .
21 Imagine that you have been studying for 20 years for a qualification that will change your life , or waiting the same length of time to hear about a job you have applied for , the only job you have ever really wanted .
22 However , the richness as a cultural object of a deteriorated Windows 1.0 disc pack is cold comfort to an archivist or historian preoccupied with preserving or regenerating the operational environment of the product .
23 riding in a vehicle , being used under a trade licence , for the purpose of investigating or remedying a mechanical fault in the vehicle .
24 In a similar , but more localised manner , some education authorities which carry out ‘ blanket ’ testing , or testing a sizeable sample of the junior school population , have introduced items which must be carried out using a calculator .
25 Only when these are done , as Graham points out , should policy attempt to improve attendance by lower socio-economic group mothers through such financial sanctions as withholding or paying a reduced amount in maternity or child benefit to those mothers who do not attend such clinics or attend irregularly .
26 Or or getting a Scottish newspaper on the list .
27 Bolt throwers work well if they are positioned on a hill or facing an open line of advance , preferably behind a hedge or a wall .
28 In the run up to the Conservative Party conference it is hardly surprising if Mrs Thatcher swallowed her intellectual objections to intervention and backed the Chancellor 's expensive efforts to defend the pound in the hope of avoiding or postponing a further increase in interest rates .
29 In the past few years Broderick has been faced with a similar , if less epic problem : simply how to grow up on screen , how to graduate from the early ‘ smart kid ’ roles in War Games and Ferris Bueller 's Day Off which have so far intended to resort to a tour of duty in a Vietnam movie or wearing a false moustache in a cop drama to prove their ‘ maturity ’ as actors .
30 An ‘ episode ’ is the name given to the smallest complete unit of teaching — this could be the teacher 's revision of the previous lesson 's work ( revision episode ) or explaining a particular point to the class ( explanation episode ) or coaching an individual child on a problem he is working on ( coaching episode ) , etc .
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