Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [prep] [art] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One or two of the few houses that make up the hamlet of San Sano were acquired and transformed by the owner with great mastery into the attractive Hotel Residence San Sano , Signor Matarazzo 's taste runs to what could be called a ‘ glorification of simplicity ’ .
2 From these later inspections , the proportion of children with problems appears to have been low : for example , of four schools in Shepherds Bush , London , sending 670 children to Pontypridd in June 1940 , there were ‘ only one or two with a few nits ’ ; of 300 children being evacuated from Northwold Road Public Elementary School , in the East End , in June 1940 , only twenty-five were marked as needing special attention ( or 8% ) , comprising one with scabies , five with nits , eight with eneurisis ( bed-wetting ) and eleven with ‘ other conditions ’ ; of 1,211 children going from Stretford ( Manchester ) schools in the same month , only eighty suffered from vermin or nits , and only fourteen from eneurisis .
3 It is significant that one of the few occasions when the author of Ancrene Wisse hints at the contemplative experience occurs in his account of the behaviour appropriate at the Mass : ( After the kiss of peace in the Mass , when the priest communicates , forget the world , be completely out of the body , and with burning love embrace your Beloved who has come down from heaven to your heart 's bower , and hold Him fast until He has granted you all that you ask . )
4 The hotel , catering and tourist industry is the second largest employer in the United Kingdom , a major contributor to the balance of payments , and one of the few industries which is showing , and will continue to show , real growth .
5 and one of the few movies where he 's not going around shouting he was drinking , but he was n't shouting
6 For the first time , an entirely independent body had uncovered a direct statistical link between Britain 's biggest nuclear power station and one of the few types of cancer which displayed a clear pathway back to radiation exposure .
7 The reserve of Folkstumyren is on Dovrefjell and , as the name suggests , is a large mire or marsh and one of the few places in Norway where cranes breed .
8 It was the first time the monarch had ever used a Thames passenger ferry — and one of the few occasions when she had arrived at an official engagement by public transport in the UK .
9 Sotheby 's open the Impressionist season with Matisse 's ‘ Fatma , la mulatresse ’ painted in 1912 and one of the few pictures of this period likely to come on the market .
10 I do n't care what you say , they really are marvellous creatures and one of the few animals in God 's world that do absolutely nothing but good .
11 The Israelis , fielding five international masters and two FIDE masters against Bayern 's six grandmasters , went down by the narrow margin of 7–5 after IM Leonid Zaid ( a recent arrival from the USSR and one of the few men alive with a plus score against Kasparov ) shocked the Germans by defeating Kindermann and Bischoff .
12 When the idea of a Royal Commission was in circulation , lawyers within the ranks of the Government , notably Sam Silkin , the Attorney General and one of the few front-benchers on either side to have taken a close interest in penal reform , and Alex Lyon , a Minister of State at the Home Office , pressed for the opportunity to be grasped to make an authoritative assessment of the arguments for a public prosecution service independent of the police .
13 ( 1983 ) and one of the few volumes in its field is Herington ( 1984 ) .
14 The spatial complexity and dramatic lighting of the staircase at Windsor had been achieved by May on a smaller scale at the earlier Eltham Lodge , Kent , one of the quintessential Restoration houses , built in 1664 for Sir John Shaw , and one of the few buildings by the architect to survive .
15 ‘ The truth is men like gadgets , they like to control their environment , ’ points out Dr Margaret Shotton , author of Computer Addiction ? and one of the few academics to have taken a serious look at video game culture .
16 While we 're on this question , one of the few things that er Theresa did n't say , although perhaps she might have said it when I was n't , I do n't think she did but one of the few things she did n't say is why Freud disapproved of the typical kind of dream book you find in any book shop .
17 I realize that is an admission of cowardice , but one of the few consolations of approaching middle age is the fact that one no longer objects to having to admit a weakness .
18 But one of the few countries he has not designed for is his homeland Hungary .
19 For instance , one of the manuscripts containing a copy of only Book 1 , describes it as the first part of the book called " The Mirror of Contemplation by Canon Walter Hilton " ( Lansdowne MS 362 : Prima pars libri qui dicitur Speculum contemplacionis — Walterus hiltoun canonicus while one of the few manuscripts to contain Book 2 alone refers to it as " the secunde part of the reformyng of mannys soule drawyn of maister Watir hiltone hermyte " .
20 In 1835 , as one of the few surveyors with geological knowledge , he was seconded to work with ( Sir ) Henry de la Beche [ q.v. ] to add geological data to the Cornish OS sheets .
21 As one of the few insurgents with military experience he was a valuable recruit .
22 This ranks as one of the few occasions in the past 20 years when I have forked out for a little bottle .
23 As it is , he emerged as one of the few Democrats to have had a ‘ good war ’ .
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