Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] them [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you are planning to run the new cables temporarily on the surface up or down the walls , simply clip them in place with cable clips , or run them in slimline plastic minitrunking stuck to the wall surface .
2 For all its strengths , the game has a few flaws — you ca n't drop objects or give them to another character .
3 In a smart purple and green gift box for £2.50 , they make a lovely present , or enjoy them with after-dinner coffee .
4 Serve them chilled either as an aperitif or try them with white meat , poultry dishes and cheeses .
5 If a frost-free greenhouse or shed is not available , place them on trays indoors for a week , then pack them in peat or vermiculite , or surround them with screwed-up newspaper .
6 Send me letters here still and I shall ask my new friend Mr ( wall-eyed ) Wood ( prop. ) to sit on them or speed them to another valley by pigeon post .
7 They also learn the position of the wetlands that provide them with crucial staging posts where they can feed and rest before starting on the next part of their journey .
8 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
9 ‘ About schools , no doubt , they know something-perhaps they have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for in the structure , the physical fabric .
10 If you are prepared to live dangerously , you can take many of the techniques above and combine them in one image , or , you may even discover completely new applications for this superb medium .
11 A truly usable recognition system would have to learn from whole word recognition techniques and combine them in some fashion with existing segmentation techniques ( Ho et al , 1991 ; Hull et al , 1991 ) .
12 Males have brightly striped fringes and flash them at each other when displaying during combat .
13 and push them through that loop , it looks
14 Then if you feel it is appropriate , address them to their homes and send them by registered mail .
15 Then take two cuts of the cards off the bottom of the pack and place them at each end before placing the rest in the middle .
16 And we now have the final symbolism of Ross Perot , the white knight set to storm Washington , who has in the not-so-distant past said that it might be necessary to suspend the constitution and cordon off black neighbourhoods and place them under martial law .
17 Check all the facts and refute them with sound evidence .
18 They must be a priority target group , so we can prevent exploitation and discrimination and provide them with adequate training in health and safety and other matters .
19 What I do is chop the luncheon meat into cubes just big enough for a size 8 or 10 hook and mix them with damp groundbait .
20 It was my joy to find old Chinese stories and transcribe them into dramatic radio productions such as ‘ The Good Luck Horse ’ , ‘ The Luck of Shao Nien ’ , ‘ The Poet and the Peony ’ and many others .
21 The Duc d'Orléans refused Stair 's demand to hand over the ships and their contents to Byng but did agree to unload the weapons and remove them for safe keeping to a French arsenal , a notable diplomatic triumph .
22 Pour off the pulp , strain the seeds and spread them on absorbent paper to dry ; then store in a cool , dry place .
23 and they get , they get in this country and then they go and exploit them in another country !
24 They take some of Britain 's toughest and most notorious criminals and put them through intense therapy ; forcing them to confront what they did and why .
25 Employment Action is a scheme that will take people off the dole queue and put them into full time work for benefit plus ten pounds .
26 Eventually he took over their management and put them into red patent leather suits , effectively driving the last nail into The Dolls ’ coffin .
27 And I unloaded at Mr Riggs on Norwich Hill ( he used to contract for all the horses with the post-office ; and we used to take hay there ) , and I pulled the load into his yard ; took the horses out , and put them into this load what my uncle — what they sent away .
28 London local authorities had delayed hearing petitioners ' cases and put them to considerable inconvenience .
29 and put them on one side .
30 Well I used to the grindstone was in the cart shed , you see , and er I used to turn the handle whilst he ground his knives down and then he 'd take them in the slaughterhouse , after he got them ground , and put them on this stone to get them smooth , to get a fine edge on the knife .
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