Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] into the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For further information on any of the courses and grant information , contact Tracie at Belfast 235451 , or drop into the centre at
2 Some of you , you might have seen them , where you 've got a number of bolts that shoot into the top from the side of the frame and the whole thing operates at the turn of a key .
3 Outside of those times , there is a night-line which is on , so any calls that come into the press outside of those times will come through on a special number which will ring and anybody can pick up .
4 She does not idealise those groups , nor fall into the trap of soft-focusing on the ‘ New Man ’ as the answer to all women 's problems .
5 And the ionised air can glow , taking on a shape , according to Persinger , similar to that popularly ascribed to many UFOs that fall into the category of UAPs .
6 How far present-day societies are likely to proceed along this road is a matter of debate ( and I shall return to the question in Chapter 6 ) , but at the least it has to be recognized that in recent years the idea of political action has been very substantially broadened , so that there is already a quite widespread awareness of the variety of ways in which individuals and groups of individuals can assert their dissent from the policies of government at all levels ( for example , the revolt against the poll tax in Britain ) and bring into the arena of public debate alternative policies .
7 Pot them up in September and bring into the greenhouse for winter flowers .
8 There was no hit and miss about it as can happen today where you can put a camera virtually anywhere and zoom into the position for any shot you want .
9 Shall I now wrap myself in the duvet and slip into the shower for a misty out-of-focus silhouette ? ’
10 Do n't assume you will find shelter in a bothy and walk into the wilderness without an alternative .
11 The wall was just the right height for the dog to make a leap and bark into the ear of the passers by .
12 Their lateral line organs are buried in canals which run along the head and body , and open into the water through pores .
13 Then , just after the beginning of the rains , the soldiers stand aside and flying termites pour out of the clefts and swirl into the sky like smoke .
14 Most terns resemble graceful small gulls , with longer wings , deeply forked tail , and thinner , more pointed bills , often carried almost vertically downwards in their buoyant flight , as they hover and plunge into the water after their small fish prey .
15 Only a very large body , weighing about 100 tons or more , will retain its cosmic velocity and plunge into the Earth with explosive force .
16 They watched it clear the farther hedge and disappear into the wood beyond the river .
17 However , the kick enjoys a measure of success because it can literally curl around an otherwise effective guard and thump into the back of the opponent 's head .
18 She watched William bank into a turn , narrowly miss another Jet Ski and plough into the wash of a water-ski boat , sending William — in a new variation on his repertoire of falls — somersaulting over the handlebars of the Jet Ski and flopping on his back into the water in a cloud of spray .
19 Why did it feel so right to have Luke stroke his hand along the curve of her thigh , to feel it slide up over her hip and dip into the hollow of her waist before moving on to the fullness of her breast ?
20 You erect a radar dish several metres across in your garden , point it at a satellite in the sky and dip into the menu of television and radio programmes that are continually being bounced across the world by broadcast stations .
21 Cut magnetic seal to length and insert into the slot in the drainage sill .
22 Break a pattern and emerge into the daylight without the hovering angel face of a new In Love ?
23 Er in most of them will er most people in Ireland will be in a pub at some stage of the day you know and it 's no unusual thing to er we 've got a recording studio in we live or I live rather and it 's not unusual to walk out the studio at er lunch time with some people you 'd been recording and go into the pub for a lunch and if you were n't very careful you could still be there that evening singing
24 Where either party gives particulars RSC Ord 18 , r12(7) provides that both request and particulars must be incorporated in the same document and go into the bundle of pleadings immediately after the pleading to which they refer .
25 Irby AC won the team event and go into the lead after two matches with 29 points , one better than Liverpool AS .
26 The second will develop consideration of reproduction and go into the distinction between this concept and that of collective consumption with special consideration of the notion of consumption cleavages .
27 It took him twenty minutes to get down to the town centre and turn into the street of tatty terraced houses behind the bus station were Nails lived .
28 Technical services have been asked to investigate the situation at the tunnel near Mossy Mill and investigate into the matter of the use of Woodhall Mill are being made .
29 It can be proved by witnesses stating that they saw the defendant ‘ drive round the roundabout and wander into the side of another car ’ or ‘ brake rather late and run into the car in front ’ or by the defendant stating that ‘ I misjudged the gap or distance ’ or ‘ I did n't see the other car , motorbike , cycle or pedestrian , etc . ’
30 and sink into the marsh near them .
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