Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] about the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Central to his description of dreaming is the suspension of volition , " and in respect to the mind , we never exercise our reason or recollection in dreams ; we may sometimes seem distracted between contending passions , but we never compare their objects , or deliberate about the acquisition of these objects … "
2 Both are comfortable in most situation , even unusual ones ( such as , Hamilton-Phillips says , having to address a meeting of striking workers , give a press conference , or talk about the state of the company to institutional investors ) .
3 presents than worry about the tree at the moment .
4 Since many of the evangelicals shared Billy Graham 's opinions and valued his methods and saw the good which he did , his article stirred wrath among them and fear about the Bishop of Durham becoming the Archbishop of York .
5 ‘ There was such a hue and cry about the cost of the tiny Thunderbird figures that this time round the toy company has decided to scrap them , ’ said Huge Von of Leisureworld in Belfast .
6 The Iranian Majlis on Dec. 29 addressed a letter of congratulation to the FIS , and on Jan.1 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei denounced what he described as a " hue and cry about the trampling of democracy in Algeria … after the Algerian people said yes to Islam " .
7 There would surely have been a strong argument for it to take its gauge from the parent line and worry about the break of gauge later , when it met the Cambrian — which of course would probably not have happened .
8 Learn and remember about the bloodshed at Grunwick , the abuse of power by union barons with their iron control over the last Labour government , the continual disruption of industry by strikes , flying and mass pickets , the uncollected rubbish and unburied dead , inflation at 27 per cent .
9 Even if the rights being asserted are in reality a reflection of parental responsibility to ensure that children receive a suitable education ( although there is inevitably dispute between parent and state about the meaning of ‘ suitable ’ in this context ) , such responsibility gives rise to a considerable amount of power and authority .
10 ‘ He 'd like to be interviewed about his life , and talk about the kind of funeral he wants to have .
11 Recognise and talk about the use of word play , eg puns , unconventional spellings etc , and some of the effects of the writer 's choice of words in imaginative uses of English .
12 Perhaps this is the place to digress a little and talk about the taking of facts from other writers ' books .
13 Contact the solicitor or secretary of your local County or District Council to ask if you can visit the offices and talk about the job to one of the solicitors .
14 But characteristically she got her way about going to art school , Beaton persuading her to get her father to come up to the academy and talk about the future of his precocious daughter .
15 At the same time , speak to your GP and ask about the sort of operation you had and the possibilities of reversal .
16 As the days passed Creggan got used to Slorne 's silence and grew to like it and he would perch at his stance and think about the land in the South where the two of them came from and try to imagine what it was like .
17 By Gareth Parry AS THIS column is just over a year old , I thought I 'd give you all a bit of a break , and write about the psychology of DIY .
18 So this month I 'm going to ride one of my hobby horses and write about the function of the Na cam .
19 We will strengthen support for such schemes and consult about the possibility of creating a new tax incentive to encourage companies to establish or extend an ESOP or set up a co-operative .
20 Another idea is ‘ a national network that will link working engineers and scientists with every school in the country … so that our boys and girls can see role models and learn about the work of engineers , scientists and industry ’ .
21 And then read and learn about the structure of the opposite sex and the ways in which he or she functions .
22 First stop is a visit to the beautiful Frans Roozen nurseries where you can admire the vast show gardens and learn about the art of growing flower bulbs from their fascinating information gallery .
23 Traditional crafts are still practised in the Jewellery Quarter , and at the Discovery Centre you can still see these skills in action and learn about the history of the area .
24 There must come a point when educators and business leaders share and learn about the transferability of technology from one domain to another .
25 The Japanese are said to be keen to invest more , but worry about the safety of their executives there .
26 It is particularly unfortunate that in the absence of detailed excavations here , we can do little but hypothesize about the expansion of this small town .
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