Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [been] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What what the government , what the erm the consortium and paper 's about er , is improving the , the identification band that was hanging over of of health care , once that recipe is will get much larger consortium er , it 's much widespread of er , devotion , expertise er , er professionalism in in assessing health needs er think about one of those areas that have been saved from in West Essex over the last over the last few years and by going into a much larger group with more resources erm , there will , they will be able to actually er work er far , far more effectively in sorting out what 's actually needed .
2 Erm but what we would say at this stage , is that there does n't seem any rationale behind the discounts that have been applied by by the County Council , indeed we have a situation in Hambleton district , where there is a seventy percent discount , erm which does n't seem to us to have been explained or justified .
3 This refers to the number of knots that have been tied per in 2 of pile .
4 We could have created a fairer system without incidentally , the problems that have been referred to in earlier debates of trying to redraw boundaries at such short notice er before the European elections .
5 The poor receive not merely the direct financial transfer in the form of transfer payments such as supplementary benefit , but also the consumption of public goods that have been paid for by income taxes raised from the rich .
6 Many employees are using the excuse of falling sales to impose changes to previously agreed conditions , often using the excuse to impose changes to conditions that have been fought for for many years .
7 If the Government sanction all the deals on gas burn that have been agreed to in principle , we will witness the transfer of 40 per cent .
8 That we have no inventory of the former is inevitable ( we have neither seen them all , nor estimated with certainly how many millions there are ) , whereas the more surprising omission is that there is no master inventory even of those species that have been dealt with by taxonomists .
9 It could be argued that interviews with competent librarians and subject specialists in these fields , or even examination of the holdings lists of specialist libraries in these subjects , would have produced exactly the same journal lists as have been arrived at by co-citation analysis , at a much lower cost .
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