Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [Wh det] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These can themselves be productive of problems for the people concerned , or they may affect the kind of advice or counsel which the social worker should offer .
2 It is hardly surprising given the enhanced status , power and influence which the nineteenth century had brought , that Nonconformists had come to identify the Christian religion with the values and secular goals of their times , the most important of which was an acceptance of the inevitability of progress through change .
3 ‘ You are saying that if it were possible to remove a fertilized egg cell from a woman after she had conceived , you could examine it and say what the resulting child would be like ? ’
4 Do the procedures allow each side to have its say and know what the other side are saying ?
5 is abolished the taper will be changed so that , instead of people over social security levels losing 15p in the £1 , they will lose 20p , thereby penalising people who are struggling to lift themselves out of poverty , provide pensions for themselves and do what the Conservative party always preaches — stand on their own two feet .
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