Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would be you responsibility to repair the pipe , or pay for all the water wasting away into your garden .
2 These , then , are some of the ideas that attach to all the world 's waterways .
3 The Americans have weather programmes on TV that go on all the time , 24 hours a day .
4 Ordinary things that go on all the time .
5 We 've heard the voice of the Party professionals , we 've heard the voice of the Labour leadership , now let's all speak on behalf of the ordinary trade unionists and say with all the force that is necessary on behalf of those millions , men and women , young and old , we support the Party , we pay for the Party , we have a right to democracy in the Party because never forget it is our Party too , I move .
6 However if you go in there and there 's no one to disturb , I always look and make sure there is n't anyone first , and look at all the wall cupboards , the wall cupboards the wood has been cleaned , actually are about the largest collection of late medieval ironwork in England .
7 And look at all the business you must be losing in London while you 're out here running around after Malta 's nobility ! ’
8 ‘ When you sit down afterwards and look at all the training you 've done and all the sacrifices you 've made and you do n't get a medal it 's pretty shattering . ’
9 In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh .
10 ‘ Mum used to play the wireless and turn on all the bath taps as soon as he came in .
11 I shout and shout for all the warmth of company I 'll be missing at dinner — and the sweat pours from me .
12 And think of all the publicity .
13 Suicide will inevitably follow , but think of all the fun you will have getting there !
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