Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not all expatriates receive company cars and so employers may provide car loans or make payment towards the cost of shipping an employee 's car from home .
2 The children 's club keeps the youngsters happy most mornings with sports , videos and competitions , leaving Mum and Dad to soak up the sun around the pool or make use of the sports facilities ranging from the relaxing to the exacting .
3 Any such sale was , if the condition was realized , to be void ab initio , and time would not run against the legatee or trust beneficiary for the purposes of positive prescription .
4 ‘ On the making of an order for possession of such a dwelling-house , or at any time before the execution of such an order … the court , subject to subsection ( 5 ) below , may — ( a ) stay or suspend execution of the order , or ( b ) postpone the date of possession , for such period or periods as the court thinks fit .
5 Ask me instead about the Meaning of Life it would probably be easier to explain It all depends on whether you go First Class , Standard , on a Friday or Bank Holiday , before 9am , after 6pm , book a week in advance or want dinner on the train .
6 The answer is best illustrated by explaining the steps which DOS follows after you type in a program or command name at the DOS prompt .
7 But they do not add up to or replace care by the community .
8 This pattern , when accompanied by false or varying descriptions of the time or sleep state of the patient , was considered suggestive of suffocation ( see below ) .
9 A sales engineer may be required to give advice on the operation of a newly acquired machine or provide assistance in the event of a breakdown .
10 Outside the family , the claims of work and career ( which may be at their strongest at this time ) may either frustrate paternal longings or provide compensation for the displacement .
11 They may drive cows or sheep in the fields , or cut wood in the copses .
12 It is quite common in an import or export sale for the seller to agree to arrange the carriage of the goods by ship to the buyer and also to arrange for their insurance en route .
13 But it has been generally dry , apart from the odd sleet or hail shower on the west coast and parts of Argyll .
14 Town looked beaten … they were staring defeat in the face again but they 're fighting spirit saved them … in the last do or die attack of the match skipper Sean Taylor won them a draw …
15 The UVA rays have broken down the elastin fibres , or support structure of the skin , resulting in severe premature skin ageing .
16 Samsung has clearly decided it 's make or break time for the company in the UK PC market , launching a completely new range of low cost machines and adding a couple of new laser printers to boot .
17 It also suggests the need for a senior management team unfettered by the need to consult with or seek consensus amongst the staff .
18 I am conscious of the time , so I say only that it will be a sad day if the Government are allowed to change the legislation , not only for the miners and their communities or for those who , directly or indirectly , are involved in or seek employment in the industry , but for the whole of society .
19 Journalists who may be minded to look at court or police records should bear in mind that an official persuaded to show them a spent conviction is liable to a fine , and if they make their persuasion more persuasive by a bribe , or obtain access to the record dishonestly , they themselves are liable to imprisonment for up to six months .
20 Thus , while marrying the father was the most likely outcome of an extra-marital conception in 1970 ; by 1988 , single women were more likely to terminate the pregnancy or give birth to the child without marrying the father ( Figure 2 ) .
21 If the plaintiff appears but fails to prove his case to the satisfaction of the court , the court may nonsuit him or give judgment for the defendant ( N 289 ) ( Ord 21 , r 2(1) ) .
22 The Telecommunications watchdog , Oftel , has ordered BT to cut its prices and installation charges considerably or face referral to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
23 The National Executive wrote to the four signatories and supporters who were most closely identified with the Petition campaign , Bevan , Strauss , Cdr Young , and W. Bruce , asking them to discontinue their support for the campaign or face expulsion from the Party .
24 For example , the chairman of Welsh Water stated recently that , in spite of assurances from the Drinking Water Inspectorate concerning the safety of fluoridation plant designed according to the Department of Environment 's code of practice , his company would not continue fluoridation on Anglesey or extend fluoridation into the rest of Wales unless required to do so by the secretary of state .
25 Equally the interviewee forms a model of the interviewer(s) and this can be a considerable aid to his decision-making about whether he can respect , trust , work with or tolerate guidance from the interviewer .
26 Browse in the gift shop or enjoy refreshment in the restaurant , and you can reflect for a few moments on how different things might have been without the events of 1066 .
27 Received the Queen 's Award for Export & Technology in 1990 and the Chronicle & Echo Business of the Year Award in 1991 .
28 Orcs take refuge in the deep forests or travel north into the Troll Country .
29 or get help with the cost
30 But although anyone can catch a cold or break their leg only women have babies or get cancer of the cervix , and , and some health problems , like osteoporosis and cystitis , mostly affect women .
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