Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Recently , it has been shown that the injection of wheat germ agglutinin ( WGA ) coupled to labels such as colloidal gold or HRP produces effective labelling of cells lining the amniotic cavity ( 24 ) , It is likely that other high molecular weight molecules which will bind to epiblast or ectoderm cells , such as other lectins or perhaps antibodies ( see Chapter 2 , Section 4 ) , may prove suitable labels for selectively marking these cells or cells lining other cavities in the embryo .
3 Apart from in scene nine , where Anderson displays occasional discomfort through his hesitations ( 4 instances , most notably when explaining to Sacha why he came to the Hollars ' apartment ( p. 81 ) , and when giving assurances of what he will do to help Pavel ( p. 83 ) ) , we find very few instances of hesitations or unfinished turns ( no more than one instance of each in scenes seven , eight , ten and sixteen ) .
4 The jury was told yesterday that Casabona admits false imprisonment of the lodger and unlawful sex with a woman under the age of 16 .
5 The Ministry of Defence has denied negligence , although Mr Ferrante has been told that RAF rules governing training at Brize Norton have been changed .
6 Check that LSPROC has sufficient quota on .
7 Rustin ( 1985 ) notes that Scruton places undue emphasis on the referential approach to language in semiotics , ignoring the equally powerful structuralist component ( see Sperber 1975 for a parallel comment on anthropology ) .
8 Convinced that the treaty would undercut German sovereignty by taking away powers from the German parliament , he left Brussels and filed a sweeping complaint claiming that Maastricht damages constitutional guarantees of individual rights and democratic procedure .
9 Justifying IBM Corp 's move into systems integration and facilities management , Jim Cannavino says that IBM has unrivalled experience of making quite incompatible systems work together — ‘ mostly our own … ‘
10 Justifying IBM Corp 's move into systems integration and facilities management , Jim Cannavino says that IBM has unrivalled experience of making quite incompatible systems work together — ‘ mostly our own … ‘
11 So , to prove IBM is still on the right track , Graham attests one of the biggest industry myths is that IBM gives huge discounts on its mainframes .
12 We have seen that Althusser invokes certain aspects of political and ideological practice to explain the reproduction of the relations of production .
13 If one person is prevented getting AIDS by this officer , we 've paid for that person for two years , and I think practically every one of these posts that Queenie takes great offence at is producing a useful end product , and the other point is that Government legislation year after year after year puts more responsibilities on the City Council , the new Environmental Protection Act is a good example .
14 Although Stratus faces growing competition from HP in its own markets , it says the latter has ‘ guaranteed equal access to the Precision chip — a level playing field . ’
15 I think that Philip has conceptual skills of a high order . ’
16 It is often said that Yugoslavia exports lower-quality products to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe than to the West .
17 Although Liz has olive tones in her skin , there 's quite a lot of blue under her eyes , so any blues will make her look more tired .
18 It is for this kind of reason that Kuhn compares scientific revolutions to political revolutions .
19 Although France wants American soldiers in Europe , America 's leadership in the Gulf war ( in which France at least played a part ) seems only to have confirmed French fears that military co-operation outside Europe means American domination .
20 European general manager Barry Betts hints darkly that Microsoft has great plans for a combination of NT and FoxBase , and wonders whether the current compatibility problems will ever be sold , Xbase or not .
21 In addition to classroom support Mrs says that Paul needs general support for three hours per evening in relation to his er social well being in his leisure activities three hours per evening for the four evenings a week which he spends at school , in relation to this I think it right to bear in mind Mr evidence about the school , being a special school of course has generous staffing levels , staffing levels which would make the mouth of any head teacher of any other school water I suspect .
22 It does , however , mean that it is essential that PR has direct access to the board in order that PR programmes can be sanctioned and executed with full backing from top management .
23 QP is already involved , being grouped with Cathcart and Newton Mearns Baptist Churches as ‘ Glasgow C ’ group .
24 And Hysen believes long-standing differences between the winger and Graham could be the reason .
25 He is to stop the ship , speak to Queen Yolande and not allow her to leave the Firth of Forth until Corbett has satisfactory answers to questions which intrigue even me .
26 Deregulation — cutting red tape , in Mr Major 's preferred phrase — is easier said than done and far from politically sexy : much has been cut already and Brussels weaves new rules by the week .
27 Often a national cuisine is best accompanied by wines from the same country , and Spain offers wonderful choices to the wine-conscious gourmet .
28 The G7 may well press the Fund to concentrate too much on Russia , to the detriment of other centrally planned economies ( notably Ukraine and Belorussia ) , which will suffer if Russia does sensible things like selling oil at world prices .
29 Dress underwrites not only class differences but national and racial ones also , and Perkins has harsh words for those who adopt the fashion of other countries : ‘ this one sinne is so common among us , that it hath branded our English people with the blacke mark of the vainest and most newfangled people under heaven ’ ( p. 211 ) .
30 Before early June and after mid-September the frequency of strong winds drops and October has ideal weather for novices .
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