Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun prp] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Senate set up a working party under Professor Furmston , Council asked consultants Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte to look at the matter , convocation set up an ad hoc working group to respond to the first two reports , and the Vice-Chancellor produced a report for Council which drew together the common threads in all three .
2 Finn had moved into a glass box and never noticed if she or Francie or Aunt Margaret scratched on the glass to attract his attention .
3 particular animal and then ask Mr Williamson to or Mr Potter to conclude for the county .
4 She cocked her head towards the hall , and Ray Doyle led the way into the lounge , where Jack Stone stood by the window , peering round the curtains at the street outside .
5 There is a separate entry on the discharge certificate for service in the East or West Indies included in the total .
6 I n't that rotten , there got a thing , there got people voting , ringing in and voting to see whether they want Willy Thorn or John Virgo to go in the gunge tank .
7 ‘ People come to me sometimes , ’ I continue , speaking quietly , with just the trace of an American-Italian accent — that shambling mumble that Marlon Brando used in the Godfather .
8 Much of the work that is rediscovered may have the literary qualities that will satisfy readers without particular feminist interests : the poems by women that Roger Lonsdale included in The New Oxford Book of Eighteenth-Century Verse are a small-scale , easily accessible instance .
9 There was much pleasure that Roger Harper played throughout the series , and here his off-spin received its best reward with 6 for 57 .
10 Computers follow the same strategy that General Grant followed against the South : do nothing fancy , stay out of trouble , take no risks and just grind the opponent bit by bit , piece by piece and square by square , into the dust .
11 He says that Murray Johnstone looked at the idea but concluded that : ‘ There did n't seem to be much sense in launching a common investment fund .
12 But he acted as if he remembered the phrase that Dean Acheson used in the spring of 1947 , in those days of little sleep and many martinis when Acheson , George Marshall and Harry Truman had to convince a sceptical Congress to back containment .
13 It is true that Rigoberta Menchu sympathises with the aims of the EGP , which are an end to the repression of the Mayan people — indeed it would be extraordinary if she did n't .
14 He managed lan Dury before Dury was famous , and City Lights provided the suit that David Bowie wore on the cover of ‘ Pin Ups ’ and which people were forever coming into Let It Rock trying to get copied , much to Malcolm 's chagrin .
15 It was not until a decade or so later , when the Junior adventure story was beginning to examine the nature of heroism more searchingly , that Richard Armstrong ranged beyond the frontiers of his documentary adventures into a world of greater hazards , a more exacting world for the writer to describe .
16 But during the autumn of 1938 , the distaste that Hampden Jackson felt over the Board 's machinations was expressed in a personal note to Jacques :
17 el-Kefevi likewise says that he came in the reign of Mehmed I and adds " during the decade of the 820s ' , which would mean that Fahreddin Acemi arrived in the early 820s .
18 It was at this moment that Signor Fixit appeared in the doorway with the plastic strips draped over his shoulders like variously coloured spaghetti .
19 But it was not the new road that Miss Danziger took in the rain that morning .
20 The second time that Yoko Ono came on the show , it was to talk about Albert Goldman 's book on John Lennon .
21 But most of us would probably say that the Edwardian Era ended with the bullets that Gavrilo Princip fired into the body of Arch-duke Ferdinand on the 28th June 1914 .
22 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
23 To keep it simple , a data handling service is bundled in , so that Saunders Jeffries acts as the bridge between the retailer and the bank for credit card transactions as well as electronically updating the till 's list of stolen cards .
24 The glance that Gideon Eddy turned upon the perspiring landlord had struck fear into a whole generation of London criminals .
25 The court was told that Sir Ian complained to the Bar Council after discovering in 1987 that Mr Samuels had the year before put £10,000 of chambers ' money into a building society account without Sir Ian 's knowledge .
26 It has been suggested that President North intervened in the judicial progress with a plea for clemency on the grounds that Dr Proctor is too essential to the shaky economy of the United States to be executed .
27 Whether he has any greater success in mounting a rebellion against Mr Heath 's former political secretary , Mr Hurd , than Mr Powell had against the former Prime Minister 17 years ago remains to be seen .
28 Coroner Michael Colcutt told the inquest jury at Northampton General Hospital that Mr Dimmer climbed into the vat to retrieve some components that were stuck .
29 Members of the parliament demanded in a 135-34 vote that Mr Yeltsin appear at the Congress tomorrow , when they may vote to remove him from office for declaring emergency rule and calling an April referendum .
30 Is the question or the point that Mr Potter raised about the ten hectare site to which the County Council objects ?
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