Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [modal v] be [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 On the surface , Red Or Dead could be lumped in with all those old-school London names who used to show wacky creations and sell zilch .
2 There was no hint that Waringstown would be kept down to such a moderate total when Shane Harrison and Brian Sturgeon put on 46 for the first wicket .
3 The more Jack was in demand , as a lecturer , teacher , and man of letters , the more danger there was that Warnie would be thrown back on his own society or , worse , on that of Mrs Moore .
4 John Aitken of stockbroker County Natwest said : ‘ There must be a chance that Lloyds will be tempted in .
5 Even at this early stage it was clear that there was general sympathy for the proposition that SERPS should be phased out .
6 Not that Arsenal should be singled out as sole instigators of the ill-feeling at White Hart Lane .
7 Even Mr Akers seemed slowly to be coming round to the sensible idea that IBM should be broken up .
8 An agreement had hastily been arrived at , to the effect that Cornelius would be kept on at school for an indefinite period until matters could be expedited .
9 Yeo Davis could have credibly warned Barton that , whatever the public statements , there was a real risk that Huerter would be bailed out . ’
10 ‘ It is my opinion ’ , Miss Honey said , ‘ that Matilda should be taken out of my form and placed immediately in the top form with the eleven-year-olds . ’
11 Meanwhile , the Open Software Foundation itself has denied in writing that OSF/1 will be de-emphasised out of existence .
12 One of these movements is led by Kenichi Ohmae , a management consultant who argues that Japan should be sliced up into 11 semi-autonomous statelets .
13 Dr Wyn had told his friends that Lydia could be relied on to say something awful , or to sink , senseless , under the table .
14 Confident that Clasper would be brought down by his own members without any interference from him , Bunker concluded that his best course of action would be to emulate Brer Rabbit on this occasion , and ‘ lie low and say nuffin' . ’
15 He set off after arranging with the girls that Terry would be sent off to meet them , alone , and Frank prevented from accompanying him .
16 But with England 's great goalkeeper still betraying no signs of his 40 years , except a finely honed judgement that causes the target to shrink before advancing strikers , hopes are high that Poland can be shut out and the points secured that will see England safely through to Italy .
17 If it snowed , as was threatened , there was every possibility that Whitely would be cut off .
18 On the grounds that Britain had a good stab at the job last time round , observers feel that a German or Frenchman should get first refusal if Quisigaard can be eased out .
19 Trade between Leith and Hull can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th Century when the Hull and Leith Shipping Company was formed .
20 Fire stations at Woburn Sands and Wolverton could be shut down if county councillors agree to make cuts in the fire service.But the county says it is trying hard to avoid cuts in that part of the budget .
21 If Haser could be brought down by the Swiss for money-laundering , so the theory went , then he would have no reason to dig the hole he was in any deeper by embarrassing the CIA with gratuitous revelations about the agency 's arms deals with Saddam Hussein .
22 Nobody wanted to stroke a Gnome , except perhaps another Gnome , He thought he might just have a word with Caspar to see if Fenella could be brought along to his , Inchbad 's , bed that very night .
23 An Arab League meeting in Cairo on March 22 appeared to have produced an acceptable compromise proposal : al-Megrahi and Fhimah would be handed over first to the Arab League , which would then through UN channels deliver them to either the UK or the US judicial authorities ; the League then sent a delegation to Tripoli to negotiate the terms of the handover .
24 His courses in Wengen and Tignes can be booked up through Supertravel : 01–584 5060 .
25 Under a plan , codenamed Operation Tornado , officers from the neighbouring prisons of Leeds , Full Sutton , Durham and Everthorpe would be called in .
26 THE 43 police forces in England and Wales should be cut by about a half , one of the country 's most senior officers said yesterday .
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