Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Turkey or Poland will play in the U21 champ.ship .
2 Lawrence said : ‘ I need cover but there is no question that Ian will stay in the side on Saturday after doing so well against Leeds . ’
3 He knew what it meant that Marcus should stay in the room whilst Bill managed for three consecutive hours to make a series of acceptably banal factual observations .
4 At the Tehran conference in December 1943 , from which Chiang was excluded , Stalin confirmed that Russia would participate in the war against Japan three months after the European War had been won .
5 He urges new procedures to protect rights of way and suggests that Scotland should follow in the footsteps of Swedish law , giving the public a general right of access over all uncultivated , unfenced land , subject to the protection of residential privacy and ‘ reasonable management needs ’ .
6 His manager Ray Tracey says that Alan can move in the summer and Wilko is said to have agreed .
7 This put paid to British hopes that Burma would stay in the Commonwealth as a Dominion owing allegiance to the Crown .
8 Grasshoppers confirmed yesterday that Dooley will play in the Courage League Division Four match , just a week before he attempts to help England secure the Grand Slam against Wales at Twickenham .
9 It had been agreed that Richie would remain in the area of the clubhouse , the Tented Village and the grandstands round the 18th green .
10 US bestseller which argues that Europe will prevail in the battle between the three powers .
11 Over the weekend , when it still seemed possible that Baldwin would resign in the next few days , Sydney Arnold and Lees Smith advised MacDonald not to take office , on the grounds that a Labour Government would be bound to fail and that the party would then be ‘ overwhelmed ’ .
12 It 's the first four , maybe five , new cars that Mitsubishi will launch in the UK next year , including new Spacewagons and Shoguns .
13 It extends in places up to a metre or so above the level of the reef flat due to the fact that Porolithon can survive in the splash and spray zone and does not need long periods of immersion .
14 At best , it looked as though a period of baronial bargaining between the two rival candidates , such as we find in Stephen 's reign , would develop ; but it was more likely that Henry would disappear in the coming struggle .
15 The platform predicted that Vietnam would remain in the " period of transition to socialism " for a further " two or three five-year plans " .
16 Education is another plank of the company 's community programme , and one that Shaw will promote in the wider context of BITC .
17 If Isabel can include in the time she spends with him developing his skills for a propensity for being slightly more economic in his travel and hospitality arrangements , I guess we 'd be even more pleased .
18 And Lisa can sit in the middle on the
19 He also said that he thought he and Strach could play in the same team .
20 There were also reasons why tension between France and Germany might decline in the early eighties .
21 Closure of some of the oldest plants on Merseyside and Teeside could result in the loss of thousands of jobs .
22 If Barnet , reportedly £1.3m in debt , went to the wall , Walsall would probably go up in their place and Halifax would remain in the League .
23 Sampdoria and Barcelona will meet in the European Cup final at Wembley on May 20 after finishing top of the new mini-leagues which were completed on Wednesday .
24 Each night they would turn off the mains water supply and Emma would sleep in the bath .
25 If Hodai can score in the furthest target , we 're too close .
26 Cooking became a kind of therapy which he greatly enjoyed , but the results could be bizarre : ‘ things in pastry ’ were a favourite ( the things might be tins of beans and of peppers ) , and sometimes so awful that Dieter and Reid would wait in the car until John had fallen asleep , to avoid having to eat them .
27 While Maghery will look in the main to the Robinson brothers , they can also bank on the experience supplied by Martin Toye .
28 But though there is plenty of scope for debate over the details , such as whether God should appear in the preamble , there is consensus on many bigger points .
29 I recall that my right hon. Friend and I campaigned together on the same side in favour of a ’ yes ’ vote in the 1975 referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Community .
30 Where the political imperative with the West was to avoid being conquered and dominated , the issue with Japan 's Asian neighbours was whether Japan should participate in the new imperialist domination .
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