Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dracula 's Haus — & Hofmusik revealed itself as a work of pleasing surfaces , but no great depth or impact .
2 An off night , I assured him , as we re-traced our twenty-mile drive to Palm Beach , where Robin wrapped himself in a blanket in front of the TV , soothing his cold turkey by watching videos of the local comedians , while I made a mental note to move my life and family to a flat above 42nd Street .
3 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
4 Worse , although Thornton knew that Hayling saw himself as a potential chief executive , he demanded that the business side of the paper be immediately put under the direction of ‘ an upfront businessman with a solid track record ’ .
5 Although Barrett described himself as an ‘ antiques dealer ’ , the way he handled Miss Prinsep had more in common with the foot-in-the-door techniques employed by what the Sussex police wearily refer to as the ‘ knocker boys ’ .
6 But it is not only through his healings and exorcisms that Jesus shows himself as the bearer of the Spirit : he claims it explicitly in the controversy with the scribes about Beelzebub ( apparently another name for Satan , conceived of as ‘ lord of the house ’ ) .
7 It was not until autumn that Jennifer found herself in the city again .
8 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
9 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
10 But although Shadwell saw himself as a follower of Ben Jonson , he was writing in a different era .
11 This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform .
12 Perhaps the answer is that Puddephat killed himself at the flat ? ’
13 The Woman gave him one look and then switched off the light and Doyle settled himself in the chair and sat silently in the shadows .
14 Then between us we carried her to the river and rolled her in and Nour washed himself at the edge of the crocodile pool .
15 The McCullochs turned into their cottage with a brief good-night and Cameron , James , and Allan let themselves into the tall , silent house along the road .
16 His last book , Antonietta , published in 1991 , tells the story of a Stradivarius violin , and Hersey inserted himself as a character .
17 Eye surgeons immediately accepted the new compound , and Alcon found itself with a worldwide monopoly .
18 Jotan raced off into the darkness , and Alexei , Jehana and Arkhina busied themselves around the cart , inventive in the face of necessity .
19 If McAlpine finds itself in a position to proceed to Stage II of the IDO registration procedure , i.e. the drawing up and presentation of a Plan of Operations , the Consortium will have to consider the following :
20 These were years of growth in power and status for the skilled unions of mid-Victorian Britain , and Applegarth established himself among the leading union personalities of his day .
21 After a while Harbury and Linda detached themselves from a group and carried their drinks over to join Rain .
22 And Maggie whisked herself down the stairs , out of the house and fifty yards along the street .
23 The United Kingdom will continue to develop our good relations with the Soviet Union and its republics , and to encourage their integration into the world economy ; and will work to help Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania re-establish themselves in the international community .
24 Mostyn and Cheadle humped themselves up the stairs , and crashed into the Silver Shuriken , guns discharging .
25 We talked a little more , while Terry and Tom prepared themselves for the inevitable angry reaction from the guards and Brian lay down under an extra blanket as his body came to terms with the shock of the beating .
26 [ PAMELA and BELVILLE dress themselves for the Masquerade ; PAMELA as a Puritan girl and BELVILLE as a Spanish nobleman .
27 Miss Hervey took the reading and entered it , and Isobel settled herself in the chair , the baby on her lap , and unbuttoned her blouse .
28 The agreement followed a NATO meeting in London on July 5-6 when member countries redefined the organization 's strategies and goals , and NATO committed itself to a limitation of the size of Germany 's armed forces [ see pp. 37599-600 ] .
29 Joe returned the warm plates of food to the table , and Dolly helped herself to the mint sauce .
30 He directed Cleo and Dauntless to seat themselves on a bench at the table .
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