Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The day came when the road was flooded and Skipper waded through it with no hesitation .
2 The shirt was placed separately and Curtis jabbed at it with a thick , square forefinger .
3 but this diet is the one that Shelly , she lost quite a lot and Jill went on it for quite a while
4 Shirley Valentine fitted the bill and Paula appeared in it at the Playhouse .
5 He produced the receipt , Donleavy carefully itemized the equipment on a small yellow legal pad and Coleman signed for it with his code name , Benjamin B.
6 It was a very ill-ordered household , Mary and Claire looking after it between them in a slapdash way .
7 Boys would come from as far away as Shepherd 's Bush and Bayswater to play on it between fighting rival gangs .
8 I suppose that 's why you do n't seem to mind Nicky and Florian knowing about it after all now . ’
9 But Tod looked at it with real feeling , with the dull heat of-I do n't know thwarted love .
10 Manning calls this conceptualization of work the ‘ threat-dangerhero ’ syndrome ( 1977 : 302 ) , which he believes is widespread amongst those who discharge ‘ Anglo-American policing ’ , while Reiner refers to it as ‘ old-fashioned machismo ’ , which he argues is widespread within the occupational culture of the police ( 1985 : 99-100 ) .
11 A succession of heavy trucks rumbled down Amwell Street as Graham turned onto it from Rosebery Avenue ; they were big grey lorries , stone or chippings carriers with great corrugated sides and a plume of dust trailing after them in the near-still air , Graham was heading slightly uphill now , and slowed his pace accordingly .
12 Reluctantly she made her way back to the house , then gave a gasp of dismay as Penry erupted from it like a rocket .
13 In case you do not read the dirty parts of the Bible , then let me remind you that the city of Sodom was earmarked for divine retribution when Abraham pleaded for it to be spared .
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