Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just as Henry Moore 's career reached its apotheosis with his huge outdoor retrospective in the hills above Florence , so Caro gets the same treatment from the curator of the Moore extravaganza , Giovanni Carandente .
2 It did not follow that Coopers reached the same conclusion as Peats by following the same reasoning .
3 It seems likely that Oswald achieved the same accord as Eadwine with Eadbald , king of Kent .
4 Although Meciar pledged the same day to respect the rights of all in Slovakia , including " Hungarians , Poles , Ukrainians … not only as cohabitants but as brothers " , leaders of the 600,000-strong Hungarian minority in Slovakia expressed concern at recent attempts by Slovak leaders to enact restrictive language laws , and said that they would seek regional autonomy within independent Slovakia .
5 Although Meciar pledged the same day to respect the rights of all in Slovakia , including " Hungarians , Poles , Ukrainians … not only as cohabitants but as brothers " , leaders of the 600,000-strong Hungarian minority in Slovakia expressed concern at recent attempts by Slovak leaders to enact restrictive language laws , and said that they would seek regional autonomy within independent Slovakia .
6 While the use of the term is admittedly unusual , its meaning seems clear enough ; and the statement that Molla Yegan succeeded Molla Fenari in this function would seem to indicate that Taskopruzade intends the same function by the terms and .
7 Thorneycroft insisted , like Sandys before him over the TSR 2 , that economies should be made by the Navy and RAF using the same airframe for their future supersonic fighter , but he was equally unsuccessful : the requirements for the two environments were far too far apart .
8 On the other hand , the two British entries , Richardson and Hynds , worked together to take a substantial win in men 's K1 with Hemmings and Gilby doing the same thing in the ladies ' K1 event in a field of only three .
9 South Korea has committed $5 billion over ten years to investing in new technologies , Ward reminded his audience , and Singapore and Taiwan attach the same importance to staying at the cutting edge .
10 Apart from Ireland it would seem that the smaller European countries have contained the situation better than have the larger ones , but this is an artefact since other small countries such as Belgium , Netherlands and Denmark follow the same trend as the larger countries .
11 Erm and if you and Ray make the same case , then you and Ray have to fight for the
12 Off-spinners Trumble and Noble performed the same service for Australia .
13 Me and Pam bet the same horse and did n't know , and we had a ten to one winner !
14 In previous months two other seminars have taken place in India and Singapore addressing the same topic .
15 And Marks and Spencers use the same potato .
16 Typical examples are the grasses , for which the relationship between bidirectional reflectance and LAI has the same form as that between bidirectional reflectance and biomass , see Figure .
17 We we saw him come on against Birmingham about a month or so ago and save that penalty and it 's ironic that that 's how Nigel Spinks started at at Villa was n't it when he came on for Jimmy Rimmer and if Bosnich does the same job as what Nigel 's done over the past ten years then no one 's going to argue .
18 ‘ When you both feel light-hearted enough to enjoy your baby , you are making a good start ’ says Infant Care on its second page , and Spock uses the same injunction , ‘ Enjoy Your Baby ’ , as a subheading in his chapter ‘ The Right Start ’ .
19 Fforde 's error ( and Eccleshall makes the same mistake ) is simply that the ‘ orthodoxy ’ which Dicey and his friends in the LPDL espoused was not Conservatism but classical mid-Victorian Liberalism .
20 Uranus and Neptune occupy the same degree of your sign on February 2 and October 24 and , although these periods may coincide with an awakening of sorts , you are bound to experience some sense of unreality .
21 Ashton and MacMillan adopt the same practice in their ballets which can be called classical in the court meaning of the term and whenever the music used is composed according to the formulae for classical composition .
22 The two others continued till 1973 , when the closure of the Evening Citizen meant that no town outside London was supporting more than one evening paper — and London went the same way in 1980 .
23 Nor , in the long hours of her sleeping , when he and Diniz shared the same room , did he say more than he thought might reassure the young Portuguese .
24 The pattern observed in Uganda , Nigeria and Ghana represents the same trend — a gentle but firm assumption of increasing control by ministries of the policies and mechanisms of curriculum planning .
25 But Shearer suffered the same lack of service in Taylor 's new-look team as Lineker had in Sweden .
26 It 's funny because Dinda does the same thing .
27 Julier is in charge of Berlin 's palaces and gardens , while Giersberg has the same role in Potsdam-Sanssouci .
28 Pakistan acted as a link between SEATO and CENTO , while Turkey performed the same function between CENTO and NATO .
29 When Anderson broaches the same task he investigates modes of production and the relationships they confer on individuals .
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