Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 DEC will invite users to choose between Pentium- or Alpha-based systems with the same configuration and prices , but the Alpha machines will offer higher performance — DEC will offer an Alpha machine with a 150MHz CPU at the same price point as a 60MHz Pentium system .
2 DEC will invite users to choose between Pentium- or Alpha-based systems with the same configuration and prices , but the Alpha machines will offer higher performance — DEC will offer an Alpha machine with a 150MHz CPU at the same price point as a 60MHz Pentium system .
3 A general problem will be apparent in studies of , for example , hospital inpatient statistics where repeated admissions of the same individual are multiply counted .
4 Some teachers may be adept at introducing their pupils to grammatical concepts , or matters of punctuation , by means of jokes and puns which depend on ambiguities , to be cleared up only by distinguishing nouns from adjectives , or different spellings of the same word ( ‘ Giant Waves Down funnel ’ ; ‘ Gladly the Cross I 'd bear ’ = ‘ Gladly , the cross-eyed bear ’ , and other well-known punning equivalents , beloved of all children ) .
5 In addition , the system can be instructed to accept different spellings for the same word , or different words with the same meaning .
6 They explain different things , or different parts of the same thing , and can thus coexist without creating deep conflicts in those who employ them with admirable discrimination and precision .
7 In another analogy , he compared the religions to different paths towards the peak of a mountain , or different perspectives upon the same building .
8 The patient had never had psychiatric problems or previous admissions for the same symptoms , making the diagnosis of Mu∘nchausen 's syndrome unlikely .
9 Internal interfaces include those between an engineer and different levels of management , departments or functional groups within the same organisation .
10 Following the elimination of double or multiple counts of the same individual , a final count of 1,604 individuals was obtained .
11 Thus , where substantial quantities of the same material equipment or products are discovered , archaeologists tend to assume that they must have been produced by the same people .
12 Check for loose or split struts at the same time .
13 Some books , or certain sections within the same book , are simply more difficult to grasp .
14 By matching the Swedish twin registry at the Department of Environmental Hygiene , Karolinska Institute , Stockholm , with the central diagnosis register of hospital inpatients at the National Board of Health and Welfare , a population of monozygotic or dizygotic twins of the same sex has been identified .
15 In 1938 he moved to the School of Oriental & African Studies in the same university and in 1944 he was appointed to the Chair of Linguistics , the first chair of that title in the UK .
16 Much of this income is from the surrounding region or other parts of the same country .
17 Arctic stocks of Oxyria digyna ( Mooney and Billings , 1961 ) and meadow rue Thalictrum alpinum ( Mooney and Johnson , 1965 ) have lower optimal photosynthetic temperatures than alpine stocks of the same species .
18 This technique has been applied extensively by the present project to the problem of discriminating between different candidate words in a single sentential position ( rather than different senses of the same word ) .
19 Colouring was done by hand , following pattern plates coloured by the artist , so that different copies of the same work , perhaps done several years apart in a slow-selling book , may differ considerably among themselves .
20 Bent DNA can be detected due to anomalous migration in polyacrylamide gels since bent DNA fragments migrate more slowly than linear fragments of the same size .
21 Whenever possible , trial trenches are dug by hand , because these always provide more information than machine-dug trenches of the same size .
22 Victorian science , perhaps Victorian intellectual life , had a certain robustness which could easily degenerate into quarrels , and it is a feature of the time that leading workers in the same field were often not on speaking terms : but at least in the BAAS good-tempered discussion was possible .
23 Without the organization and membership of the three parties to the Unity Agreement , the Campaign could not hope to make any more impression than previous actions of the same sort .
24 Thus Douglas found in the early 1960s that even among the most able , working-class pupils were more likely to leave school early than middle-class pupils with the same IQ scores .
25 There was evidence that other businesses in the same line as the plaintiffs charged a much lower fee — in most cases less than £3.50 per transparency per week .
26 The doctor who attended him , Guillaume de Harselly , was evidently experienced in cases of mental illness , and warned the royal counsellors that other attacks of the same kind were to be expected .
27 even if the possibility exists that other books with the same class number are relevant , the system should not offer these without establishing that this is so .
28 Heber 's study , the Post said , ‘ revealed not that mental deficiencies are passed on genetically , but that mentally retarded mothers tend to create an environment that is less conducive to mental development than that created by slum neighbours of normal intelligence , ’ The New York Times told its readers : ‘ The Milwaukee Project , an experiment in intensive preschool education for ( potentially retarded ) children , has proved that they can be raised more than 30 test points higher than other children from the same environment and with the same type of mother . ’
29 For the low risk junctions it does not appear that high risk exemplars actually contain more risk related information than other exemplars of the same junction .
30 Researchers have discovered that significant changes in the same songs have been copied by humpbacks on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean within 6 days , far faster than a whale could swim the 5000 or so km ( 3250 miles ) .
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