Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Your intruder alarm ( or such parts of your intruder alarm as may be agreed in writing by us ) must be set before you your family or domestic employees retire for the night .
2 immediately before you your family or domestic employees retire for the night .
3 immediately before you your family or domestic employees retire for the night .
4 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
5 It seems that British investors go for the north and west — Normandy and Brittany — and also like to invest their money further south in Aquitaine and Perigord .
6 Although fixed terms allow for the job to end through a ‘ natural break ’ , the expiry of a fixed period of employment still counts as a dismissal for some legal purposes , such as the right to claim unfair dismissal or redundancy pay .
7 Although fixed terms allow for the job to end through a ‘ natural break ’ , the expiry of a fixed period of employment still counts as a dismissal for some legal purposes , such as the right to claim unfair dismissal or redundancy pay .
8 Since the patients in Newcombe and Ratcliff 's study sustained penetrating missile wounds of the brain whereas those of Hécaen and Sauguet suffered from naturally occurring lesions it is possible that aetiological differences account for the discrepant findings .
9 Black prisoners had fewer previous convictions than white prisoners sentenced for the same type of offence and were less likely to be granted bail .
10 Soviet interest was aroused by the Iranian view that ‘ there will have to be guarantees that neither the Americans nor American surrogates substitute for the departing Russians ’ , that the problem of Afghanistan should not be solved in the East/West context .
11 While the following day 's mixed owner sale was also successful , it was also business as usual with greedy consignors and less than spectacular goods making for the usual ups and downs .
12 In some European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands , publication of this thesis is a pre-requisite before the degree is awarded , and specific journals exist for the publication of such theses .
13 But Europe was split by nationalism , and by its own internal rivalries as local space ran out and European powers rushed for the colonies .
14 The precise nature and length of the transition period to Europe 's monetary unification have yet to be determined while agreement on the political and economic structures required for the Community 's monetary union to be durable is unlikely to be reached before the mid-1990s .
15 I got involved with agencies who specialise in placing children who were difficult to place , be it handicapped , black or of the wrong age , and that led to my doing a lot of work taking photographs for a magazine published by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering and various publicity and public relations work for the Catholic Children 's Society .
16 Development costs are also charged to the profit and loss account in the year of expenditure , except when individual projects satisfy the following criteria : the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately identifiable ; the project is technically feasible and commercially viable ; current and future costs will be exceeded by future sales ; and adequate resources exist for the project to be completed .
17 It blended in beautifully with the rubbish bags and empty bottles waiting for the refuse men , but with my luck they 'd probably arrive before I could collect it .
18 Phase ( III ) will be a series of interviews to obtain more detailed information on the strategic and tactical considerations involved for the contracting parties .
19 They maintain that these factors require markets to be backed by a set of institutional and cultural frameworks to correct for the inadequacies of the market , in particular the need for non-market based contracts and arrangements between economic agents .
20 One standard way of establishing the degree of discrimination in employment is to arrange for equally qualified black and white workers to apply for the same job .
21 In central Italy the once dominant share-cropping system has collapsed and in its place has emerged a complicated mixture of part-time farmers producing largely for home-consumption , family farmers and capitalist enterprises producing for the market .
22 It arranged for groups of identically qualified white and black applicants to apply for the same jobs in Chicago .
23 That is the orderly and sensible way to proceed , which is why we are pressing and encouraging others to press for the earliest possible membership of the former Soviet republics in the IMF .
24 Depraved visitors came to witness the horrors Drachenfels devised , and pitiful slave-servitors catered for the debased appetites of visiting connoisseurs of carnage and debauchery .
25 At Keills a stone cist with a flat stone bottom and cover and small stones used for the walls contained a cremation in a beaker .
26 E coli isolates were collected during studies of the rectal mucosa associated microflora ; the methods and anaerobic precautions used for the isolation and characterisation of this flora are detailed elsewhere .
27 At intervals of a few years , party congresses were held at which major changes of policy would be announced and new directions set for the future .
28 He warned the congress that old dogmas had to be abandoned and new principles adopted for the changing times .
29 The school has worked closely with Keldholme School , Cleveland Compact and other agencies to prepare for the event , which starts at 7.30pm .
30 Having allocated the human and other resources needed for the overall design task it is then appropriate to develop a more detailed model of the system functions in terms of materials , energy and information flow .
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