Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [prep] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the thrilling cries that try to resurrect the king , and the still figure of Jack Klaff , there is nothing radical or dynamic in either the vocalisation or the movement .
2 Had he not better make that clear to both the Conservative and Labour Members who still believe that Britain could stay out of the developments that will take place in Europe ?
3 There is more to life than worrying about how the maid 's ironed your nightdress or you know .
4 There is something intolerant and ungenerous about both the confessional and HCF models outlined above which fails to affirm the insights of those who start off from a different " confession " of whatever complexion this might be .
5 ‘ Tell Bill the quarry sat relaxed and unconcerned throughout both the incident and the enquiry held at Thunder Bay yesterday morning , and I 'm certain he did n't plan the uncoupling .
6 More people had attended the early services , but the day seemed as quiet and peaceful as usual with only the sound of church bells and the occasional ship 's hooter breaking the silence .
7 Ideally , an archaeologist wants to obtain as much information as possible about both the stratigraphy of a site and its plan , but there is a conflict between the two approaches .
8 Close to the launch date itself we like to obtain as much publicity as possible in both the industry trade press and in national newspapers .
9 This state of affairs causes no surprise when it is recognised that ‘ what is understood is at least as dependent on how the receptor perceives the message as on how the communicator presents it ’ ( Kraft 1979:148 ) .
10 A defect in the barrir function of the intestinal mucosa has been proposed as important in both the pathogenesis and systemic mainifestations of inflammatory bowel disease .
11 ‘ Scrubbers ’ which must be installed in new West German power stations , will , it is claimed cost £1.5 billion — and this effort has been described as pathetic by both the Ecology party and the Social Democrat party .
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