Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Any delay or obstruction of measures to safeguard Venice 's heritage would not only be a bureaucratic or administrative problem or even a political game : the delay and second rate solutions have now clearly become a moral issue .
2 Not only are departments prepared for a Tory or Labour minister but also a Liberal Democrat one as well .
3 Ms or Mr Trim wakes up for an early morning drink , has tea or coffee with either no milk or skimmed milk and definitely no sugar .
4 What may happen is that the returning reflected stress waves repeatedly meet the outgoing ones at some critical or unlucky point and thus the stress may pile up at this point until fracture occurs .
5 Short hair or long hair or just a man ?
6 Thus , if a trustee of a family trust or a nominee or bare trustee or even an agent receives rent there can be a liability to income tax on him ( normally just at the basic rate but sometimes at the additional rate ) .
7 An extended parking area has enabled the restoration or eroded downland where formerly the grass had been all but lost to cars .
8 And you put long or short tour and then the numbers
9 Some people tend to overuse it and/or use it for concepts too complicated for this medium i.e. where a proper report or formal memo or even a meeting would be more appropriate than an e-mail message .
10 Whatever the pathophysiological basis of RP may be , however , it is worthy of serious study as a ‘ human experimental model ’ of inflammatory bowel disease , rather than cavalier dismissal as simply a ‘ misdiagnosis ’ of Crohn 's disease .
11 Lots of meaningful glances and repressed passion as only the Victorians knew how .
12 Yet there were many even among his admirers who acknowledged that there were latent dangers in having the country who were certain to provide the numerically strongest contingent additionally furnishing not just the manager and assistant coach but also the captain .
13 Princes Park has pony rides , a boating lake and mini golf while inland the Towner Art Gallery and Local History Museum offers a fascinating outing .
14 A week later I was called back to Downing Street by Margaret Thatcher and told that I was taking over the Department of Health and Social Security and also the question-and-answer session .
15 A daring and devious regicide or merely a clumsy archer ?
16 This was a famous and magnificent building but only a small , well preserved , portion remains .
17 But Drysdale 's claim to fame now is not freckles , specs and white chocolate but arguably the sweetest left foot in the First Division .
18 It is true that it is possible to get over this by good workmanship and sophisticated construction but then the cost is higher than that of building in steel or plastics .
19 It works alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise and just a few minutes massage each day with Cellutherapie will help to stimulate blood circulation and improve the skin tone and texture on your hips and thighs .
20 The data which showed that only two per cent of calls came after 11 p.m. provided useful reassurance that statistically a broken night 's sleep was rare .
21 Women smokers have a higher incidence of miscarriage and premature labour ; their infants have higher perinatal mortality , slower physical and mental development and twice the risk of cot death after other factors ( such as social class ) have been accounted for .
22 It is dry and it is almost aggressively refreshing — great starbursts of lime juice and orange peel and just a little grapeyness , creating a most unusual citrus cocktail for a warm , spring day .
23 The terms include not only basic matters such as salary , bonus entitlement , company car and medical insurance but also the date of commencement of employment , age and a description of the function of each employee in the business .
24 It was a hot and sexy day but somehow the obvious answer did not seem satisfactory .
25 The policeman 's note had promised action some time during the next two or three days , which could no doubt be split into a fraction of a second for a data check to establish that Sampson was a worthy and responsible citizen and neither a pervert nor a dangerous lefty , and then many hours of waiting in a paper tray to be shunted and shuffled and finally put into an envelope .
26 The fact is that the capable and intelligent workman , especially if skilled , at this time provided both the main prop of middle-class social control and industrial discipline and also the most active cadres of the workers ' collective self-defence .
27 They can produce these solutions with the speed , recall and immediate availability that only a computer can provide .
28 He could even — and unlike many heroes of Rincewind 's acquaintance — speak words of more than two syllables , if given time and maybe a hint or two .
29 ‘ Whereas the police , no doubt , would continue to draft in innumerable squads of men to trample the landscape and inspect the ground , and exude such an aura of busyness and continuous reorganisation that even the most cynical observer could not fail to be impressed . ’
30 Discussion revealed that women 's interests lay very much with lambing , first aid , dairy husbandry and financial management although quite a few were doubtful about their capacity to cope with the last of these subjects .
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