Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Reassignment of disabled employees to segregated or undesirable work militates against the general principles established by US law .
2 They range from 0.01 to 0.5mm in thickness and are made from copper , nickel or iron-nickel alloy depending on the application .
3 In the absence of such conflicts the local or regional state acts as the instrument of local or regional capitalists , except when their interests are too parochial .
4 You should certainly benefit from some kind of major career or professional change to come around the 4th and the 11th .
5 It may be an exaggeration — though not by much — to observe that industrial democracy stands now where political democracy did before the Great Reform Bill of 1832 .
6 This extremely ambitious programme , co-ordinated by the Institute of Education at Ahmadu Bello University and operating in six ( now ten ) of the northern states , sought to effect a complete change of approach in primary schools , through new courses in either Hausa or English medium depending on the policy in operation in the states .
7 Third , the state has its own historically developed ‘ interests ’ which it can express to a greater or lesser degree depending on the balance of external class forces and their forms of representation within the state .
8 A society organises itself in such a way that people adhering to cultural norms are rewarded whilst those that deviate are ‘ punished ’ , to a greater or lesser degree depending upon the culture .
9 To the urban dweller , all woods look the same , but in landscape terms we must be careful to distinguish between the wildwood ( the remnant or successor of the natural or semi-natural woodland of Britain — which certainly does not exist anywhere today and probably has not since the Roman period ) and woods which have been to a greater or lesser degree managed for the production of timber and wood ( Fig. 63 ) .
10 However , each section of the work may assume greater or lesser importance depending on the work that the client may have already done ( for example , determination of investment criteria and identification of possible targets ) , always assuming that the client 's approach has been sound .
11 The Malá Strana or Lesser Town spreads beneath the castle to the banks of the River Vltava .
12 The greatest number of Contracting States have designated their Ministries of Justice ( or some organ of the Ministry , for example the French Ministry 's specialist bureau de l'entraide judiciaire internationale ) ; a substantial group of countries have placed the Central Authority within the courts service ( for example the Netherlands ' designation of the Officier van Justitie or public prosecutor attached to the District Court of The Hague ) ; and relatively few have retained the Foreign Ministry .
13 The modern grey or brown fascia sets off the knobs with colour co-ordinated inserts .
14 Either arrange trailing plants in hanging baskets slung from a brass or wooden pole fixed across the window , or intersperse them with herbs and African violets on glass shelves ( see above ) .
15 Was enough window space or in-store display given to the product to support the advertisement ?
16 The most remarkable of the ocean or sensible heat occurred in the mid nineteen seventies , what 's referred to as the Widdell polenier An area of about three hundred thousand square kilometres was ice free for each winter for three consecutive years .
17 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company controlled by the state , France 's loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
18 It is quite a different matter to produce a weekly or daily paper aimed at the widest possible audience , with the aim of informing it about national and local , as well as African and international , news .
19 In fact , the courts have progressively narrowed this species of manslaughter over the last century or so : there was a time when the mere commission of a tort or civil wrong sufficed as the ‘ unlawful act ’ , and when there was no additional requirement of ‘ dangerousness ’ to be satisfied .
20 Some churches are of basilican plan with semi-circular eastern apse ( though the altar might still be at the west end ) and a western or central tower standing on the ground .
21 Whatever action can be taken against censorship at an institutional or individual level depends on the firmness and strength of the profession 's stated position , and that requires an examination of views , role and actions of the professional association , namely the Library Association , in response to censorship .
22 He described the charges as " an ebullition of political animosity or personal spite appearing in the Glasgow News . "
23 The Seller shall be under no liability , whether at contract or in tort or otherwise , in respect of the quality of the goods or their fitness for any purpose , save that , if the Buyer is a natural person , in accordance with the provisions of s 2(1) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , the Seller accepts and does not seek to limit or exclude liability for any death or personal injury caused to the Buyer by reason of the Seller 's negligence .
24 First , the simple clause which seeks to exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by the party in default to the innocent party can only have applic ation where the innocent party is a natural person .
25 The only other type of clause which operates to shift liability is a counter-indemnity whereby the innocent party ( " indemnifier " ) indemnifies the party in default ( " indemnitee " ) for any claim made in respect of death or personal injury caused by the indemnitee 's own negligence .
26 Therefore , counter-indemnities relating to death or personal injury suffered by the indemnifier were void under s 2(1) , without the need to consider s 4 , and all counter-indemnities relating to other loss or damage suffered directly by the indemnifier were subject to the reasonableness test under s 2(2) , and/or s 4 if the indemnifier was a consumer .
27 Fortunately , death or personal injury resulting from the use of a computer is a rare occurrence , but other forms of loss or damage might be more common ; for example , in a business context where a computer may be used to assist with decision-making , there is a strong probability that a financial loss will be blamed on the computer .
28 It is n't going to be defeated by watching C&C Music Factory or Sabrina Johnston or marky Mark going through the same tired MTV moves .
29 Moreover , the ‘ curved path ’ , ‘ whirling mass ’ , ‘ cosmic wheel ’ or spiralling vortex described by the ancients as the integrating pattern of cosmic universal energy , can only be seen to have the endorsement of modern research and understanding .
30 Some electricity companies may be able to offer you a token meter , operated by a token or rechargeable key depending on the type available .
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