Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 material — the exact meaning of this will depend upon the context , but it suggests something that is not trivial or insubstantial and in a context where quantification is appropriate the starting point is , as a rule , taken to be around 5% of the price ;
2 As the depth is obviously restricted this form of extraction would take place over a wider area than normal but in a district like this where the overburden is thin this is no real hardship .
3 Point of Ayr A spokeswoman for British Coal has denied union claims that redundancies at the pit were actually compulsory rather than voluntary because of a lack of options .
4 These include : the postmodern as a tendency within the modern ; a notion of the ‘ sublime ’ and postmodernism 's related freedom from dependence on the concept of totality ; a distinction between the postmodern conceived in terms of the externalised and impersonal as against a view of the modern as characterised by the internal and ‘ impressionist ’ ; and a claim that it is the characteristic of the postmodern to signify figurally rather than discursively ( ? ) .
5 One of the areas that shows the first signs of body ageing is the upper arms — they can become thick and flabby and as a result shapeless .
6 Not so big and showy as on a knitting machine , but there are two metal rods sticking up — enough for any self respecting machine to us as a radio aerial !
7 Many unexplained and ignored results still litter the research journals of the early 1970s , unread and unconsidered because as a research paradigm memory transfer is no longer taken seriously ; it had become another victim of scientific fashion , though , unlike McIlwain 's slices , this time probably deservedly .
8 Having borrowed the document , Aitken 's account of his later behaviour was clear-cut and uncontroversial except on a money question where the weight of evidence strongly supported his contentions .
9 The overall look is comfortable and traditional but with a light , airy quality .
10 In the context of stock exchange dealings he suggests that clauses that purport to allow a broker without warning to act as principal rather than agent , are " quite inconsistent with the role of broker and ineffective except against a principal who has assented to the changed relationship on this particular occasion " .
11 Briefly , this meant the ability to ‘ take his work and leave it ’ : to start and finish the ploughing ; that is , to pen and shut up a furrow and leave every stetch , or parcel of furrows , straight and level and without a wrinkle to mar the whole length of it .
12 The teacher 's relation with a child is much more intense and long-lasting than for a teacher of a normal child , since they will be together in close contact during a longer period of growth .
13 The offices of the CDHES were twice raided and bombed and as a consequence , in 1981 , Marianella decided to move the main offices of the CDHES to Mexico City .
14 He felt that if he waltzed his dancers round and round as in a ballroom he would not be interpreting Chopin 's idealised romantic waltzes for a solo pianist .
15 The boy was ragged and dirty and for a moment he stood transfixed staring at Hari and Will as though he could n't believe his eyes .
16 Over one-half of the houses in rural districts of England are owned by their occupiers , whether outright or on a mortgage .
17 The difference with New Historicism is in a refusal to see the incident or localised concern as symbolic or as a metaphor for larger cultural significances .
18 Theorizing and debate about law-breaking and law enforcement have been premised on a model of the criminal actor as individual and on a conception of enforcement as practised by a uniformed and public police .
19 In other words , many mentally ill people were defined as ill because of a breakdown in their social relationships ; drugs might relieve some of the symptomatic tension but help was needed to remedy the causes by encouraging patients to participate in a community that improved the capacity of all its members — patients and therapists — to relate in a meaningful way to one another .
20 In this way grammar would not be presented as primary but as a consequence of the achievement of meaning through the modification of lexical items .
21 The UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Sadako Ogata , stated that she was " deeply disturbed " by the decision , which was denounced by US human rights groups as racist and as a violation of national and international law .
22 The unpulsed sounds seem to relate to times of heightened excitement , such as during feeding , when stranded or in a state of distress or alarm , or between mother and newborn calf .
23 Subject to paragraph 2 , it is applicable not only to ‘ information ’ or ‘ ideas ’ that are favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference , but also to those that offend , shock or disturb .
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