Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This includes advice , guidance and initial financial assistance where appropriate up to a limit of £5,000 per person .
2 In all cases , remember that the information you find is interesting or valuable only to the extent that you can put it to relevant use in your essay ; facts do not come with fixed , off-the-peg significance .
3 Cherry reds polish — brown , tan or red all over the boot , then black smeared in the creases — to antique it up !
4 or sprawling lumpily beside the road
5 ‘ a condition contained in debentures … is not invalid by reason only that the debentures are thereby made irredeemable or redeemable only on the happening of a contingency ( however remote ) or on the expiration of a period ( however long ) any rule of equity to the contrary notwithstanding . ’
6 Virtues are essentially qualities of character which are useful or agreeable either to the agent or others .
7 All the time , the gun was in his hand or close by on the floor .
8 While Frank was ‘ climbing , fighting , playing , & robbing orchards ’ , Coleridge was more likely to be found in the meadows by the River Otter — first of those rivers , brooks and springs that were to work so powerfully on his mind — or close by at the sandstone cavern known as Pixies ' Parlour , where with the ‘ hand of … childhood ’ he carved his initials in the rock .
9 Town planning was neither strong nor coherent enough as a discipline and profession for it to stake a claim and take over other intellectual territory ; as a movement it was too inwardly diverse to be sufficiently self-willed to embark on aggrandizement in its remit .
10 He is neither comic nor romantic enough for the role .
11 It was not fun enough for the fans , nor artistic enough for the art loving public ( or so it seemed from the vulgar poster and catalogue ; actually , it contained some wonderful and rarely seen pieces of silver ) .
12 There was n't a sound , yet she was convinced that close by in the darkness someone lay in wait .
13 But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column .
14 But Baroness Thatcher was less than talkative away from the podium
15 He crossed the corridor in two strides and sat in a small room that was used for counselling or small case conferences , leaving the door open and flipping impatiently through the file .
16 The sensual Margaret Tudor very quickly stirred up trouble by taking a second husband , the sixth Earl of Angus — a Red Douglas , who proved to be a greedy bully and unsuitable either as a husband or a stepfather .
17 The project will comprise a review of pertinent research findings--notably from the study of small businesses , urban geography and regional economics--together with an investigation of specific practical initiatives in the area of local business development .
18 Wipe the interior of the machine and dry thoroughly with a disinfectant impregnated cloth or disposable paper towel .
19 In the back , squashed in beside two hot and complaining children , Molly tried her best to restrain the youngest on her lap from wrenching open the door and free-falling out towards the autostrada .
20 Things which are used once or twice a year — turkey roasting pans , huge party casseroles , picnic baskets , should be rigorously stashed right away , if possible out of the kitchen altogether — under the stairs , in an attic , in the basement or garage in a house ; in some more remote cupboard in a flat or apartment .
21 In recent months , the physical condition of equipment and buildings has deteriorated alarmingly , due to lack of maintenance , and due also to the lack of basic expenditure on light , water , security guards , chalk , stationery , publications and books …
22 The fire effects were awful , very embarrassing , and due entirely to a lack of money . ’
23 Well , I had been in bed and asleep earlier in the night .
24 Coupled with the Phantom 's one-piece maple neck , with the same radius as the Teardrop and a low action with wide string spacing , the feel is comfortable and friendly right up the neck , and barre chords above the twelfth fret are no trouble at all .
25 It is equally important to ensure that all joints and connections between the wires , uprights , and anchorages are properly made and strong enough for the job ( see Figure 13 ) .
26 The sounds and scents of the morning were keen and exciting yet at the centre of those sensations she was filled with a curious sort of quiet .
27 Membership is therefore free , and dependent only upon the requirement of regular registration .
28 That area was dark and gloomy even in the daytime , with doors leading to permanently locked rooms , padlocked cupboards and deep curtained alcoves .
29 In the case of rent and other payments of a periodic nature , the creditor may prove for any amounts due and unpaid up to the date of the bankruptcy order ( r 6.112(1) ) .
30 This sudden and violent less of the abbey , its Abbot and three of its Brethren is perhaps the cause of the locally reported transmutations and the essence of the profoundly poignant atmosphere commented upon by so many visitors so the site — that overwhelming peace , tinged with a hint of sadness .
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