Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [prep] [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Where the court is satisfied , on the application of the official receiver , that the bankrupt has failed to comply with any of his obligations under the Act , it can order that time shall cease to run for as long as or subject to such conditions as it thinks fit ( s 279(3) ) .
2 For example , planning authorities may grant planning permission unconditionally or subject to such conditions as they think fit .
3 By R.S.C. , Ord. 1 , r. 9 ‘ the forms in the Appendices shall be used where applicable with such variations as the circumstances of the particular case require . ’
4 Frenular bristles are absent or small in these insects but there is sometimes a more distally placed series of costal spines ( the pseudofrenulum ) on the hind wing which functions independently of the jugum by pressing against the anal area of the fore wing ( e.g. Sabatinca ) , or a series of interlocking hairs on the basal half of the hind margin of the fore Wing and the fore margin of the hind wing ( e.g. Mnesarchaea ) .
5 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
6 But most of the avian predators are rare or absent on those shores and in areas where predation is heaviest the dog-whelks are mostly white ( Feare , 1971 ) .
7 By minimising the net asset value which he is acquiring or year to date turnover , the purchaser is seeking a price reduction if the price is based on one or other of these factors or if there is a price adjustment mechanism based on either item .
8 The combination of the use of one or other of these enzymes and the ribotyping technique applied in this study provide a highly discriminatory means of strain comparison .
9 Once again we move by each playing one or other of these cards and the banker shells out , or levies fines , according to the rules given above .
10 A family with the disk ranging from a sack-like bag covered with skin or thin scales to a more rigid structure covered with large plates , usually armed with spinelets , granules , or simple rods , the density of covering varying ; the characters of the oral frame falling into broad categories ; either the jaws longer than broad with many papillae or as broad as long usually with fewer papillae , rarely more than 6–7 ; the arms usually noded but sometimes only slightly so ; arm spines usually erect , often long and rugose ; the tentacle pores either large and open with small tentacle scales or none at all or small with a variety of tentacle scales .
11 In the case of the breeding tank , undergravel filters have been found to be more than adequate in most situations as long as a few basic concepts are followed .
12 Our society 's moral values have also changed and we are more liberal and tolerant of such matters as entertainment .
13 Its full title was Preparing Police to Deal with a Multicultured Society , and it was on the subject of policing black communities — still the most vexatious and controversial for both police and their critics — that Sir Peter made his thoughts most plain .
14 The story of the unfolding and intertwining of these forces and of their interaction with other , less fundamental , developments is the subject of the next chapter .
15 So why does it feel deep and steep to many businessmen and consumers ?
16 The message came loud and clear from all quarters that until council services were more welcoming to children with special needs , parents would continue to choose specialist provision out of caution .
17 The point of health service contact for patients with cerebrovascular disease and dementia is variable and dependent on several factors that we did not evaluate — for example , location and progression of cerebral disease , relative dominance of symptoms , etc .
18 no steps may be taken to enforce any security over the company 's property , or to repossess goods in the company 's possession under any hire purchase agreement ( defined widely and including conditional sale agreements , chattel leasing and retention of title agreements ) , except with the leave of the court and subject to such terms as the court may impose ;
19 no other proceedings , or execution or other legal process may be commenced or continued , and no distress may be levied against the company or its property except with the leave of the court and subject to such terms as the court may impose .
20 Initially elated by the electoral successes of the Popular Front in France and Spain , subsequently encouraged by the spirited defence of Republican Spain , and convinced at all times that the ultimate safeguard for international security was the presence of a strong revolutionary Soviet state , Nizan remained confident .
21 Laura Ashley wallpaper , hot and cold in all rooms and a clear fourteen pounds flown out of my purse .
22 It was felt that our exercise system is very suitable for back pain sufferers , there being little risk of over-strain or accident , and applicable to all ages and conditions .
23 ‘ Knowledge shows us high above the mutable transactions of the soul with the mortality of nature our highest Self as the supreme Lord of all her actions , one and equal in all objects and creatures , not born in the taking up of the body , not subject to death in the perishing of all those bodies .
24 We have found that it is good to be factual and helpful on these occasions and that always one or two who live opposite , or round the corner or who know the building have been drawn in .
25 In what follows , I shall play fast and loose with these words and the subtle distinctions between them .
26 Replies to enquiries should be reinforced by a specific warranty that all written replies to enquiries in respect of the property ( whether on behalf of the vendor and/or themselves ) by the vendor 's solicitors are true and accurate in all respects and there is no fact not disclosed which would render any such information insecure or misleading .
27 However some methods are fairly standard and common to all sectors and are outlined as follows :
28 With constantly changing membership , chairmanship and recording practices , it is impossible to discern a clear linear development of its thought and resolutions , though its discussions have ranged far and wide through such issues as : ( 1 ) the desirability of RBL
29 Alongside this professionalisation was a parallel emphasis on the spectacularisation of football — i.e. an attempt to make it more attractive and eye-catching via such devices as pre-match and half-time entertainment and the regular televising of match highlights .
30 The submissions were brief and lucid , economical of Ministerial time , but unaccompanied by any files or background papers from which alternatives could be devised or warning signals detected .
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